Traffic Assignment Method for Multiclass Users Considering Safety Reliability
He-lai HUANG,Meng-xi JIANG,Chun-yang HAN,Guang-ming XU,S WONG,M ABDEL-ATY
Abstract:To explore the influence of travel safety on users' travel choice behavior, a traffic assignment model for multiclass users was proposed considering the crash risk cost and travel time. According to the randomness of the accident characteristic, the path safety reliability was defined, and the safety preference of the users was reflected by calculating crash risk cost budget herein. Based on the basic crash prediction model associated with crash exposure and crash risk, the crash risk cost distribution of road links and intersections were defined considering the different characteristics of links and intersections. Further, the difference in the turn crash risk cost was contained in crash risk distribution model of intersections. A path-based solution algorithm and a successive average method were designed to solve the traffic assignment model, and the validities of the model and algorithm were analyzed by the numerical example. The results show that the safety reliability has significant influence on the users' travel choices. Considering the crash risk cost in the generalized travel cost, users are more likely to choose the paths with lower crash risk cost. Specifically, users with different risk tendencies have different choice characteristics. Conservative users tend to choose the paths with smaller standard deviations in crash risk cost, namely the paths with lower fluctuations in crash risk cost. Meanwhile, neutral users prefer to choose the paths with lower mean crash risk costs. Moreover, considering the crash risk cost of intersections will directly affect the traffic assignment results. Namely, the number of intersections in a path and the difference in turn will also affect the users' choice. Additionally, the model also shows the potential application value for passenger-volume forecasting, as well as network security assessment and management.