GenECG: A synthetic image-based ECG dataset to augment artificial intelligence-enhanced algorithm development
Neil Bodagh,Kyaw Soe Tun,Adam Barton,Malihe Javidi,Darwon Rashid,Rachel Burns,Irum Kotadia,Magda Klis,Ali Gharaviri,Vinush Vigneswaran,Steven Niederer,Mark O'Neill,Miguel O. Bernabeu,Steven E Williams
Artificial intelligence-enhanced electrocardiogram (AI-ECG) algorithms have primarily been developed using digitised signal data, due to a relative absence of image-based datasets. An image-based ECG dataset incorporating artefacts common to paper-based ECGs, which are typically scanned or photographed into electronic health records, could facilitate clinically useful AI-ECG algorithm development.
This study aimed to create a high-fidelity, synthetic image-based ECG dataset to enable image-based AI-ECG algorithm development.
ECG images were re-created from the PTB-XL database, a publicly available signal-based dataset, and image manipulation techniques were applied to mimic artefacts associated with ECGs in real-world settings. To evaluate the fidelity of the synthetic images, iterative clinical Turing tests were conducted. The ability of currently available algorithms to analyse synthetic ECG images containing artefacts was assessed.
Synthetic images were created from all PTB-XL ECGs leading to the creation of GenECG, an image-based dataset containing 21,799 ECGs with artefacts encountered in routine clinical care paired with artefact-free images. Clinical Turing tests confirmed the realism of the images: expert observer accuracy of discrimination between real-world and synthetic ECGs fell from 63.9% (95% CI 58.0%-69.8%) to 53.3% (95% CI: 48.6%-58.1%) over three rounds of testing, indicating that observers could not distinguish between synthetic and real ECGs. The performance of pre-existing image-based algorithms on synthetic (AUC 0.592, 95% CI 0.421-0.763) and real-world (AUC 0.647, 95% CI 0.520-0.774) ECG images containing artefact was limited. Algorithm fine-tuning with GenECG data led to an improvement in classification accuracy on real-world ECG images (AUC 0.821, 95% CI 0.730-0.913) demonstrating the potential for synthetic data to augment image-based AI-ECG algorithm development.
GenECG is the first synthetic image-based ECG dataset to pass a clinical Turing test. The dataset will enable image-based AI-ECG algorithm development, ensuring utility in low resource areas, pre-hospital settings and hospital environments where signal data are unavailable.