Recycling of Planetary Proto-Atmospheres

Tobias Moldenhauer,Rolf Kuiper,Wilhelm Kley,Chris Ormel
Abstract:Protoplanets formed by core accretion can become massive enough to accrete gas from the disk they are born in. If theplanetary proto-atmosphere exceeds a critical mass, runaway gas accretion starts and the planetary atmosphere collapses into a gasgiant. In recent years, many close-in super-Earths have been observed which raises the question on how they avoided becoming hotJupiters. We investigate the recycling hypothesis as a possible mechanism to avoid the collapse of the atmosphere.We use three-dimensional radiation-hydrodynamics to simulate the formation of proto-atmosphere in the local frame aroundthe planet. In post-processing we use tracer particles to calculate the shape of the atmosphere and determine the non-uniform recyclingtimescale in a quantitative manner. Our simulations converge to a quasi-steady state where the velocity field of the gas does not change anymore. For theparameter space explored, a = 0.1 au, m_c ∈ [1, 2, 5, 10] M_Earth, we find that recycling of the atmosphere counteracts the collapse bypreventing the gas from cooling efficiently.
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