Reconstruction of $B \to \rho \ell \nu_\ell$ decays identified using hadronic decays of the recoil $B$ meson in 2019 -- 2021 Belle II data

Belle II Collaboration,F. Abudinén,I. Adachi,K. Adamczyk,L. Aggarwal,P. Ahlburg,H. Ahmed,J. K. Ahn,H. Aihara,N. Akopov,A. Aloisio,F. Ameli,L. Andricek,N. Anh Ky,D. M. Asner,H. Atmacan,V. Aulchenko,T. Aushev,V. Aushev,V. Babu,S. Bacher,H. Bae,S. Baehr,S. Bahinipati,A. M. Bakich,P. Bambade,Sw. Banerjee,S. Bansal,M. Barrett,G. Batignani,J. Baudot,M. Bauer,A. Baur,A. Beaubien,J. Becker,P. K. Behera,J. V. Bennett,E. Bernieri,F. U. Bernlochner,V. Bertacchi,M. Bertemes,E. Bertholet,M. Bessner,S. Bettarini,V. Bhardwaj,B. Bhuyan,F. Bianchi,T. Bilka,S. Bilokin,D. Biswas,A. Bobrov,D. Bodrov,A. Bolz,A. Bondar,G. Bonvicini,J. Borah,A. Bozek,M. Bračko,P. Branchini,N. Braun,R. A. Briere,T. E. Browder,D. N. Brown,A. Budano,S. Bussino,M. Campajola,L. Cao,G. Casarosa,C. Cecchi,J. Cerasoli,D. Červenkov,M. -C. Chang,P. Chang,R. Cheaib,P. Cheema,V. Chekelian,C. Chen,Y. Q. Chen,Y. -T. Chen,B. G. Cheon,K. Chilikin,K. Chirapatpimol,H. -E. Cho,K. Cho,S. -J. Cho,S. -K. Choi,S. Choudhury,D. Cinabro,L. Corona,L. M. Cremaldi,S. Cunliffe,T. Czank,S. Das,N. Dash,F. Dattola,E. De La Cruz-Burelo,S. A. De La Motte,G. de Marino,G. De Nardo,M. De Nuccio,G. De Pietro,R. de Sangro,B. Deschamps,M. Destefanis,S. Dey,A. De Yta-Hernandez,R. Dhamija,A. Di Canto,F. Di Capua,S. Di Carlo,J. Dingfelder,Z. Doležal,I. Domínguez Jiménez,T. V. Dong,M. Dorigo,K. Dort,D. Dossett,S. Dreyer,S. Dubey,S. Duell,G. Dujany,P. Ecker,S. Eidelman,M. Eliachevitch,D. Epifanov,P. Feichtinger,T. Ferber,D. Ferlewicz,T. Fillinger,C. Finck,G. Finocchiaro,P. Fischer,K. Flood,A. Fodor,F. Forti,A. Frey,M. Friedl,B. G. Fulsom,A. Gabrielli,N. Gabyshev,E. Ganiev,M. Garcia-Hernandez,R. Garg,A. Garmash,V. Gaur,A. Gaz,U. Gebauer,A. Gellrich,G. Ghevondyan,G. Giakoustidis,R. Giordano,A. Giri,A. Glazov,B. Gobbo,R. Godang,P. Goldenzweig,B. Golob,G. Gong,P. Grace,W. Gradl,T. Grammatico,S. Granderath,E. Graziani,D. Greenwald,Z. Gruberová,T. Gu,Y. Guan,K. Gudkova,J. Guilliams,C. Hadjivasiliou,S. Halder,K. Hara,T. Hara,O. Hartbrich,K. Hayasaka,H. Hayashii,S. Hazra,C. Hearty,M. T. Hedges,I. Heredia de la Cruz,M. Hernández Villanueva,A. Hershenhorn,T. Higuchi,E. C. Hill,H. Hirata,M. Hoek,M. Hohmann,S. Hollitt,T. Hotta,C. -L. Hsu,K. Huang,T. Humair,T. Iijima,K. Inami,G. Inguglia,N. Ipsita,J. Irakkathil Jabbar,A. Ishikawa,S. Ito,R. Itoh,M. Iwasaki,Y. Iwasaki,P. Jackson,W. W. Jacobs,D. E. Jaffe,E. -J. Jang,H. B. Jeon,Q. P. Ji,S. Jia,Y. Jin,K. K. Joo,H. Junkerkalefeld,I. Kadenko,J. Kahn,H. Kakuno,M. Kaleta,D. Kalita,A. B. Kaliyar,J. Kandra,K. H. Kang,S. Kang,P. Kapusta,R. Karl,G. Karyan,Y. Kato,T. Kawasaki,C. Ketter,H. Kichimi,C. Kiesling,C. -H. Kim,D. Y. Kim,H. J. Kim,K. -H. Kim,Y. -K. Kim,Y. J. Kim,T. D. Kimmel,H. Kindo,K. Kinoshita,C. Kleinwort,P. Kodyš,T. Koga,S. Kohani,K. Kojima,I. Komarov,T. Konno,A. Korobov,S. Korpar,N. Kovalchuk,E. Kovalenko,R. Kowalewski,T. M. G. Kraetzschmar,P. Križan,J. F. Krohn,P. Krokovny,H. Krüger,W. Kuehn,T. Kuhr,J. Kumar,M. Kumar,R. Kumar,K. Kumara,T. Kumita,T. Kunigo,S. Kurz,A. Kuzmin,P. Kvasnička,Y. -J. Kwon,S. Lacaprara,Y. -T. Lai,C. La Licata,K. Lalwani,T. Lam,L. Lanceri,J. S. Lange,M. Laurenza,K. Lautenbach,P. J. Laycock,R. Leboucher,F. R. Le Diberder,I. -S. Lee,S. C. Lee,P. Leitl,D. Levit,P. M. Lewis,C. Li,L. K. Li,S. X. Li,Y. B. Li,J. Libby,K. Lieret,J. Lin,Z. Liptak,Q. Y. Liu,Z. A. Liu,Z. Q. Liu,D. Liventsev,S. Longo,A. Lozar,T. Lueck,T. Luo,C. Lyu,Y. Ma,C. MacQueen,M. Maggiora,R. Maiti,S. Maity,R. Manfredi,E. Manoni,A. C. Manthei,S. Marcello,C. Marinas,L. Martel,C. Martellini,A. Martini,T. Martinov,L. Massaccesi,M. Masuda,T. Matsuda,K. Matsuoka,D. Matvienko,S. K. Maurya,J. A. McKenna,J. McNeil,F. Meggendorfer,F. Meier,M. Merola,F. Metzner,M. Milesi,C. Miller,K. Miyabayashi,H. Miyake,H. Miyata,R. Mizuk,K. Azmi,G. B. Mohanty,N. Molina-Gonzalez,S. Moneta,H. Moon,T. Moon,H. -G. Moser,M. Mrvar,F. J. Müller,Th. Muller,R. Mussa,I. Nakamura,K. R. Nakamura,E. Nakano,M. Nakao,H. Nakayama,H. Nakazawa,Y. Nakazawa,A. Narimani Charan,M. Naruki,D. Narwal,Z. Natkaniec,A. Natochii,L. Nayak,M. Nayak,G. Nazaryan,C. Niebuhr,M. Niiyama,J. Ninkovic,N. K. Nisar,S. Nishida,K. Nishimura,M. H. A. Nouxman,K. Ogawa,S. Ogawa,S. L. Olsen,Y. Onishchuk,H. Ono,Y. Onuki,P. Oskin,F. Otani,E. R. Oxford,H. Ozaki,P. Pakhlov,G. Pakhlova,A. Paladino,T. Pang,A. Panta,E. Paoloni,S. Pardi,K. Parham,H. Park,J. Park,S. -H. Park,B. Paschen,A. Passeri,A. Pathak,S. Patra,S. Paul,T. K. Pedlar,I. Peruzzi,R. Peschke,R. Pestotnik,F. Pham,M. Piccolo,L. E. Piilonen,G. Pinna Angioni,P. L. M. Podesta-Lerma,T. Podobnik,S. Pokharel,L. Polat,V. Popov,C. Praz,S. Prell,E. Prencipe,M. T. Prim,M. V. Purohit,H. Purwar,N. Rad,P. Rados,S. Raiz,A. Ramirez Morales,R. Rasheed,N. Rauls,M. Reif,S. Reiter,M. Remnev,I. Ripp-Baudot,M. Ritter,M. Ritzert,G. Rizzo,L. B. Rizzuto,S. H. Robertson,D. Rodríguez Pérez,J. M. Roney,C. Rosenfeld,A. Rostomyan,N. Rout,M. Rozanska,G. Russo,M. Roehrken,D. Sahoo,Y. Sakai,D. A. Sanders,S. Sandilya,A. Sangal,L. Santelj,P. Sartori,Y. Sato,V. Savinov,B. Scavino,J. Schmitz,M. Schnepf,H. Schreeck,J. Schueler,C. Schwanda,A. J. Schwartz,B. Schwenker,M. Schwickardi,Y. Seino,A. Selce,K. Senyo,J. Serrano,M. E. Sevior,C. Sfienti,W. Shan,C. Sharma,V. Shebalin,C. P. Shen,X. D. Shi,H. Shibuya,T. Shillington,T. Shimasaki,J. -G. Shiu,D. Shtol,B. Shwartz,A. Sibidanov,F. Simon,J. B. Singh,S. Skambraks,J. Skorupa,K. Smith,R. J. Sobie,A. Soffer,A. Sokolov,Y. Soloviev,E. Solovieva,S. Spataro,B. Spruck,M. Starič,S. Stefkova,Z. S. Stottler,R. Stroili,J. Strube,J. Stypula,Y. Sue,R. Sugiura,M. Sumihama,K. Sumisawa,W. Sutcliffe,S. Y. Suzuki,H. Svidras,M. Tabata,M. Takahashi,M. Takizawa,U. Tamponi,S. Tanaka,K. Tanida,H. Tanigawa,N. Taniguchi,Y. Tao,F. Tenchini,A. Thaller,R. Tiwary,D. Tonelli,E. Torassa,N. Toutounji,K. Trabelsi,I. Tsaklidis,T. Tsuboyama,N. Tsuzuki,M. Uchida,I. Ueda,S. Uehara,Y. Uematsu,T. Ueno,T. Uglov,K. Unger,Y. Unno,K. Uno,S. Uno,P. Urquijo,Y. Ushiroda,Y. V. Usov,S. E. Vahsen,R. van Tonder,G. S. Varner,K. E. Varvell,A. Vinokurova,L. Vitale,V. Vobbilisetti,V. Vorobyev,A. Vossen,V. S. Vismaya,B. Wach,E. Waheed,H. M. Wakeling,W. Wan Abdullah,B. Wang,C. H. Wang,E. Wang,M. -Z. Wang,X. L. Wang,A. Warburton,M. Watanabe,S. Watanuki,J. Webb,S. Wehle,M. Welsch,O. Werbycka,C. Wessel,J. Wiechczynski,P. Wieduwilt,H. Windel,E. Won,L. J. Wu,X. P. Xu,B. D. Yabsley,S. Yamada,W. Yan,S. B. Yang,H. Ye,J. Yelton,J. H. Yin,Y. M. Yook,K. Yoshihara,C. Z. Yuan,Y. Yusa,L. Zani,Y. Zhai,J. Z. Zhang,Y. Zhang,Z. Zhang,V. Zhilich,J. S. Zhou,Q. D. Zhou,X. Y. Zhou,V. I. Zhukova,V. Zhulanov,R. Žlebčík
Abstract: We present results on the semileptonic decays $B^0 \to \rho^- \ell^+ \nu_\ell$ and $B^+ \to \rho^0 \ell^+ \nu_\ell$ in a sample corresponding to 189.9/fb of Belle II data at the SuperKEKB $e^- e^+$ collider. Signal decays are identified using full reconstruction of the recoil $B$ meson in hadronic final states. We determine the total branching fractions via fits to the distributions of the square of the "missing" mass in the event and the dipion mass in the signal candidate and find ${\mathcal{B}(B^0\to\rho^-\ell^+ \nu_\ell) = (4.12 \pm 0.64(\mathrm{stat}) \pm 1.16(\mathrm{syst})) \times 10^{-4}}$ and ${\mathcal{B}({B^+\to\rho^0\ell^+\nu_\ell}) = (1.77 \pm 0.23 (\mathrm{stat}) \pm 0.36 (\mathrm{syst})) \times 10^{-4}}$ where the dominant systematic uncertainty comes from modeling the nonresonant $B\to (\pi\pi)\ell^+\nu_\ell$ contribution.
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