Sentiment-enhanced Graph-based Sarcasm Explanation in Dialogue
Kun Ouyang,Liqiang Jing,Xuemeng Song,Meng Liu,Yupeng Hu,Liqiang Nie
Abstract:Sarcasm Explanation in Dialogue (SED) is a new yet challenging task, which aims to generate a natural language explanation for the given sarcastic dialogue that involves multiple modalities (i.e., utterance, video, and audio). Although existing studies have achieved great success based on the generative pretrained language model BART, they overlook exploiting the sentiments residing in the utterance, video and audio, which are vital clues for sarcasm explanation. In fact, it is non-trivial to incorporate sentiments for boosting SED performance, due to three main challenges: 1) diverse effects of utterance tokens on sentiments; 2) gap between video-audio sentiment signals and the embedding space of BART; and 3) various relations among utterances, utterance sentiments, and video-audio sentiments. To tackle these challenges, we propose a novel sEntiment-enhanceD Graph-based multimodal sarcasm Explanation framework, named EDGE. In particular, we first propose a lexicon-guided utterance sentiment inference module, where a heuristic utterance sentiment refinement strategy is devised. We then develop a module named Joint Cross Attention-based Sentiment Inference (JCA-SI) by extending the multimodal sentiment analysis model JCA to derive the joint sentiment label for each video-audio clip. Thereafter, we devise a context-sentiment graph to comprehensively model the semantic relations among the utterances, utterance sentiments, and video-audio sentiments, to facilitate sarcasm explanation generation. Extensive experiments on the publicly released dataset WITS verify the superiority of our model over cutting-edge methods.
Computation and Language,Multimedia