UPGRADVISOR: Early Adopting Dependency Updates Using Hybrid Program Analysis and Hardware Tracing

Yaniv David,Xudong Sun,Raphael J. Sofaer,Aditya Senthilnathan,Junfeng Yang,Zhiqiang Zuo,Guoqing Harry Xu,Jason Nieh,Ronghui Gu
Abstract:Applications often have fast-paced release schedules, but adoption of software dependency updates can lag by years, leaving applications susceptible to security risks and unexpected breakage. To address this problem, we present U PGRADVISOR , a system that reduces developer effort in evaluating dependency updates and can, in many cases, automatically determine which updates are backward-compatible versus API-breaking. U PGRADVISOR introduces a novel co-designed static analysis and dynamic tracing mechanism to gauge the scope and effect of dependency updates on an application. Static analysis prunes changes irrelevant to an application and clusters relevant ones into targets . Dynamic tracing needs to focus only on whether targets affect an application, making it fast and accurate. U PGRADVISOR handles dynamic interpreted languages and introduces call graph over-approximation to account for their lack of type information and selective hardware tracing to capture program execution while ignoring interpreter machinery. We have implemented U PGRADVISOR for Python and evaluated it on 172 dependency updates previously blocked from being adopted in widely-used open-source software, including Django , aws-cli , tfx , and Celery . U PGRADVISOR automatically determined that 56% of dependencies were safe to update and reduced by more than an order of magnitude the number of code changes that needed to be considered by dynamic tracing. Evaluating U PGRADVISOR ’s tracer in a production-like environment incurred only 3% overhead on average, making it fast enough to deploy in practice. We submitted safe updates that were previously blocked as pull requests for nine projects, and their developers have already merged most of them. Abstract The version of U PGRADVISOR used to perform the experiments described in the paper may be downloaded from figshare.com. Theartifactcontainsthecodeforthepackagesur-vey, the static analyzer, and the hardware tracer. It also contains scripts to compile the tracer, run the experiments described in the paper, and produce most of the figures. For the most up to We provide the analyzer pre-installed in a docker container. The tracer requires a bare-metal machine. It directly employs a tracing capability found in Intel 5th generation CPUs (Broadwell) and above. Installing the tracer software requires root access to the OS. This artifact will run on a i7-10700 CPU workstation with 16GB RAM. A slower machine may result in reduced performance. We set up the docker container on the tracer machine and encourage you to do the same.
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