Data and Code From: Asynchrony among Local Communities Stabilizes Ecosystem Function of Metacommunities
Kevin R. Wilcox,Andrew T. Tredennick,Sally E. Koerner,Emily Grman,Lauren M. Hallett,Meghan L. Avolio,Kimberly J. La Pierre,Gregory R. Houseman,Forest Isbell,David Samuel Johnson,Juha M. Alatalo,Andrew H. Baldwin,Edward W. Bork,Elizabeth H. Boughton,William D. Bowman,Andrea J. Britton,James F. Cahill,Scott L. Collins,Guozhen Du,Anu Eskelinen,Laura Gough,Anke Jentsch,Christel C. Kern,Kari Klanderud,Alan K. Knapp,Jüergen Kreyling,Yiqi Luo,Jennie R. McLaren,Partick Magonigal,В. Г. Онипченко,Janet S. Prevéy,Jodie Price,Clare H. Robinson,Osvaldo E. Sala,Melinda D. Smith,Nadejda A. Soudzilovskaia,Lara Souza,David Tilman,Shannon M. White,Zhuwen Xu,Laura Yahdjian,Qiang Yu,Pengfei Zhang,Yunhai Zhang
Abstract:R code, derived metrics, and limited metadata associated with Wilcox et al. (2017). Asynchrony among local communities stabilizes ecosystem function of metacommunities. Ecology Letters. When using this data or code, please cite the original publication: Wilcox, K.R., A.T. Tredennick, S. Koerner, E. Grman, L. Hallett, M. Avolio, K. La Pierre, G. Houseman, F. Isbell, D. Johnson, J. Alatalo, A. Baldwin, E. Bork, E. Boughton, W. Bowman, A. Britton, J. Cahill, S. Collins, G-Z. Du, A. Eskelinen, L. Gough, A. Jentsch, C. Kern, K. Klanderud, A. Knapp, J. Kreyling, Y. Luo, J. McLaren, P. Megonigal, V. Onipchenko, J. Prevey, J. Price, C. Robinson, O. Sala, M. Smith, N. Soudzilovskaia, L. Souza, D. Tilman, S. White, Z. Xu, L. Yahdjian, Q. Yu, P. Zhang, Y, Zhang. (2017). Asynchrony among local communities stabilizes ecosystem function of metacommunities. Ecology Letters vol(iss):xx-xx. Additionally, please cite the Figshare file set: Wilcox, K.R., A.T. Tredennick, S. Koerner, E. Grman, L. Hallett, M. Avolio, K. La Pierre. (2017). Data and code from: Asynchrony among local communities stabilizes ecosystem function of metacommunities. Figshare. R Code The analysis proceeds in several steps, which can be viewed most easily by examining the ~/Wilcox_etal_DerivedData_and_Code/analysis_scripts/main_text_scripts/patches_source_all_scripts.R file. Questions about the code or analysis should be directed to Kevin Wilcox ( or Andrew Tredennick ( Derived Data We provide the full set of metrics (e.g., alpha, beta, and gamma stability and diversity) for each of our study sites. The main analysis and all figures in the paper can be reproduced using these metrics. Metrics were calculated from time series of abundance data from 62 grassland sites around the globe, although primarily from North America and Europe. The data is part of the CoRRE Data Base (, and those interested in using proprietary data not included in this fileset are encouraged to contact the CoRRE data base maintainers (