Distorted Born Diffraction Tomography: limits and applications to inverse the ultrasonic field scattered by an non-circular infinite elastic tube

Philippe Lasaygues,Régine Guillermin,Jean-Pierre Lefebvre
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.0912.3059
Classical Physics
Abstract:This study focuses on the application of ultra sonic diffrac tion tomography to noncircular 2D-cylindri - cal ob jects im mersed in an in fi nite fluid. The dis torted Born it er a tive method used to solve the in verse scat ter ing prob lem be longs to the class of al ge braic re con struc tion al go rithms. This method was de vel - oped to in crease the or der of ap pli ca tion of the Born ap prox i ma tion (in the case of weakly-con trasted me dia) to higher or ders. This yields quan ti ta tive in for ma tion about the scat terer, such as the speed of sound and the at ten u a tion. Quan ti ta tive ul tra sonic im ag ing tech niques of this kind are of great po ten tial value in fields such as med i cine, un der wa ter acous tics and non de struc tive test ing.
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