Metallicity from Type II supernovae from the (i)PTF
F. Taddia,P. Moquist,J. Sollerman,A. Rubin,G. Leloudas,A. Gal-Yam,I. Arcavi,Y. Cao,A. Filippenko,M. Graham,P. Mazzali,P. Nugent,Y.-C. Pan,J. Silverman,D. Xu
Abstract:Type IIP supernovae (SNe IIP) have recently been proposed as metallicity (Z) probes. The spectral models of Dessart et al. (2014, MNRAS, 440, 1856) showed that the pseudo-equivalent width of Fe II λ5018 (pEW_(5018)) during the plateau phase depends on the primordial Z, but there was a paucity of SNe IIP exhibiting pEW_(5018) that were compatible with Z < 0.4 Z⊙. This lack might be due to some physical property of the SN II population or to the fact that those SNe have been discovered in luminous, metal-rich targeted galaxies. Here we use SN II observations from the untargeted (intermediate) Palomar Transient Factory [(i)PTF] survey, aiming to investigate the pEW_(5018) distribution of this SN population and, in particular, to look for the presence of SNe II at lower Z. We perform pEW_(5018) measurements on the spectra of a sample of 39 (i)PTF SNe II, selected to have well-constrained explosion epochs and light-curve properties. Based on the comparison with the pEW_(5018) spectral models, we subgrouped our SNe into four Z bins from Z ≈ 0.1 Z⊙ up to Z ≈ 2 Z⊙. We also independently investigated the Z of the hosts by using their absolute magnitudes and colors and, in a few cases, using strong-line diagnostics from spectra. We searched for possible correlations between SN observables, such as their peak magnitudes and the Z inferred from pEW_(5018). We found 11 events with pEW_(5018) that were small enough to indicate Z ≈ 0.1 Z⊙. The trend of pEW_(5018) with Z matches the Z estimates obtained from the host-galaxy photometry, although the significance of the correlation is weak. We also found that SNe with brighter peak magnitudes have smaller pEW_(5018) and occur at lower Z.