The Long-run Risks Model: What Differences Can an Extra Volatility Factor Make?
Guofu Zhou,Yingzi Zhu
Abstract:1This paper supersedes an early version of the paper circulated under title “A Long-run Risks Model with Longand Short-run Volatilities: Explaining Predictability and Variance Risk Premium.” We are grateful to Doron Avramov, Ravi Bansal, Jason Beeler, Geert Bekaert, Tim Bollerslev, Henry Cao, Long Chen, Peter Christoffersen, Bjørn Eraker, Satadru Hore, Raymond Kan (the CICF discussant), Dana Kiku (the EFA discussant), Hong Liu, Zhongjin Lu, Ivan Shaliastovich, Jack Strauss, George Tauchen, Liping Wang, Yaping Wang (the Five Star Finance Forum discussant), Hao Zhou, and seminar/conference participants at East China University of Science and Technology, National University of Singapore, Tsinghua University, CKGSB 2009 summer workshop, 2010 China International Conference in Finance, 2010 European Finance Association annual meetings, and 2011 Beijing Five Star Finance Forum.