New Algorithms and Hardness for Incremental Single-Source Shortest Paths in Directed Graphs
Maximilian Probst Gutenberg,Virginia Vassilevska Williams,Nicole Wein
Abstract:In the dynamic Single-Source Shortest Paths (SSSP) problem, we are given a graph $G=(V,E)$ subject to edge insertions and deletions and a source vertex $s\in V$, and the goal is to maintain the distance $d(s,t)$ for all $t\in V$.
Fine-grained complexity has provided strong lower bounds for exact partially dynamic SSSP and approximate fully dynamic SSSP [ESA'04, FOCS'14, STOC'15]. Thus much focus has been directed towards finding efficient partially dynamic $(1+\epsilon)$-approximate SSSP algorithms [STOC'14, ICALP'15, SODA'14, FOCS'14, STOC'16, SODA'17, ICALP'17, ICALP'19, STOC'19, SODA'20, SODA'20]. Despite this rich literature, for directed graphs there are no known deterministic algorithms for $(1+\epsilon)$-approximate dynamic SSSP that perform better than the classic ES-tree [JACM'81]. We present the first such algorithm.
We present a \emph{deterministic} data structure for incremental SSSP in weighted digraphs with total update time $\tilde{O}(n^2 \log W)$ which is near-optimal for very dense graphs; here $W$ is the ratio of the largest weight in the graph to the smallest. Our algorithm also improves over the best known partially dynamic \emph{randomized} algorithm for directed SSSP by Henzinger et al. [STOC'14, ICALP'15] if $m=\omega(n^{1.1})$.
We also provide improved conditional lower bounds. Henzinger et al. [STOC'15] showed that under the OMv Hypothesis, the partially dynamic exact $s$-$t$ Shortest Path problem in undirected graphs requires amortized update or query time $m^{1/2-o(1)}$, given polynomial preprocessing time. Under a hypothesis about finding Cliques, we improve the update and query lower bound for algorithms with polynomial preprocessing time to $m^{0.626-o(1)}$. Further, under the $k$-Cycle hypothesis, we show that any partially dynamic SSSP algorithm with $O(m^{2-\epsilon})$ preprocessing time requires amortized update or query time $m^{1-o(1)}$.
Data Structures and Algorithms