Efficient marker-free recovery of custom genetic modifications with CRISPR/Cas9 in C. elegans
T. Ryan,Fu,XH Becky,L. Karen,Hartman,S. Phil,Joshua A. Arribere
Abstract:Facilitated by recent advances using CRISPR/Cas9, genome editing technologies now permit custom genetic modifications in a wide variety of organisms. Ideally, modified animals could be both efficiently made and easily identified with minimal initial screening and without introducing exogenous sequence at the locus of interest or marker mutations elsewhere. To this end, we describe a co-conversion strategy using CRISPR/Cas9 in which screening for a dominant phenotypic oligonucleotide-templated conversion event at one locus can be used to enrich for custom modifications at another unlinked locus. After the desired mutation is identified among the F1 progeny heterozygous for the dominant marker mutation, F2 animals that have lost the marker mutation are picked to obtain the desired mutation in an unmarked genetic background. We have developed such a co-conversion strategy for C. elegans using a number of dominant phenotypic markers. Examining the co-conversion at a second (unselected) locus of interest in the marked F1 animals, we observed that 14-84% of screened animals showed homologous recombination. By reconstituting the unmarked background through segregation of the dominant marker mutation at each step, we show that custom modification events can be carried out recursively, enabling multiple mutant animals to be made. While our initial choice of a co-conversion marker (rol-6(su1006)) was readily applicable in a single round of co-conversion, the genetic properties of this locus were not optimal in that CRISPR-mediated deletion mutations at the unselected rol-6 locus can render a fraction of co-converted strains recalcitrant to further rounds of similar mutagenesis. An optimal marker in this sense would provide phenotypic distinctions between the desired mutant/+ class and alternative +/+, mutant/null, null/null, and null/+ genotypes. Reviewing dominant alleles from classical C. elegans genetics, we identified one mutation each in dpy-10 and sqt-1 that meet these criteria and demonstrate that these too can be used as effective conversion markers. Co-conversion was observed using a variety of donor molecules at the second (unselected) locus, including oligonucleotides, PCR products, and plasmids. We note that the co-conversion approach described here could be applied in any of the variety of systems where suitable co-conversion markers can be identified from previous intensive genetic analyses of gain-of-function alleles. Introduction Type II CRISPR/Cas9 bacterial immunity systems provide programmable DNA endonuclease activities that have recently revolutionized genome editing in a wide range of organisms (WANG et al. 1999; HWANG et al. 2013; JIANG et al. 2013; DICARLO et al. 2013; FRIEDLAND et al. 2013; GRATZ et al. 2013; LI et al. 2013; NEKRASOV et al. 2013; LO et al. 2013; CHIU et al. 2013; CHO et al. 2013; KATIC and GROßHANS 2013; ZHAO et al. 2014; KIM et al. 2014). Recognition by the Cas9 protein entails two sequence elements in the target: a Protospacer Adjacent Motif (PAM, NGG for S. pyogenes Cas9) and a region of ~20 base pairs of complementarity to its guide RNA (gRNA) (JINEK et al. 2012). Following cleavage by CRISPR/Cas9 in vivo, the double-strand break site can be repaired to generate mutations, including insertions and deletions via endogenous pathways such as Non-Homologous End-Joining (NHEJ), or targeted base mutations via Homologous Repair from a template or donor DNA (HR). The ease of use of CRISPR/Cas9 for genome editing has led to its widespread adoption, and promises to usher in a new era of biology. In our application of CRISPR/Cas9 to edit the C. elegans genome, we sought a conversion system that met the following criteria: (1) It should be possible to make any mutation in a gene, without extraneous marker sequences, and with no constraint on the genetic background. (2) Edited animals should be efficiently made and easily identifiable, so that multiple independent isolates are recovered with minimal downstream screening. (3) The system should be fast, enabling isolation of the mutation in as few generations as possible, and require minimal plasmid construction. The ease and versatility of such a strain construction system would lessen the technical barriers of genome editing, empowering researchers and facilitating the analysis of gene function. We set out to devise such a system. Among the techniques available to edit the C. elegans genome, the oligonucleotide-mediated conversion strategy reported by (ZHAO et al. 2014) appealed to us for its relative simplicity and efficiency. In the oligonucleotide-mediated conversion strategy, a ~100nt single stranded oligonucleotide bearing a desired mutation is coinjected with Cas9 and a gRNA specific for the wild type locus of interest into the C. elegans germline. The oligonucleotide-based conversion approach has several desirable features of a genome editing system. In particular, it is relatively simple, with a single gRNA plasmid, a commercially prepared single stranded DNA oligonucleotide, and a pair of PCR assay primers sufficient to initiate each editing experiment. Upon microinjection of these components and a plasmid bearing Cas9 into the C. elegans germline, the efficiency for this process is moderate, with 0.5-3.5% of F1 animals bearing the mutation of interest. This frequency of conversion has allowed direct (albeit somewhat labor intensive) screening for mutations of interest through a PCR-based assay on individual progeny of injected animals. Our goal in this work is a mutation system with the flexibility of the (ZHAO et al. 2014) approach, but with minimized screening. For CRISPR/Cas9 to facilitate homologous repair at a locus, several steps must occur, including: (i) successful injection of DNA constructs into a worm germline (ii) expression of gRNA(s), Cas9 and assembly together (iii) finding, binding, and cleavage of target DNA by CRISPR/Cas9 (iv) repair of the double-strand break from the template DNA, and (v) survival of the resultant egg/embryo to a stage at which it can reproduce and be screened. In practice, any or a number of these steps may be inefficient or fail, and thus markers for one or more steps in an intended manipulation can be useful in obtaining engineered strains (STINCHCOMB et al. 1985; MELLO et al. 1991; JINEK et al. 2012; DICKINSON et al. 2013; KIM et al. 2014). For the purposes of introducing custom mutations, it would be ideal if animals that had experienced all steps required for a functional HR event could be easily discerned from animals that had not. In the absence of a readily identifiable phenotype of the desired mutation, a co-conversion strategy could be employed: a second unlinked marker locus where CRISPR/Cas9-facilitated HR yielded an easily discernable phenotype would, by definition, enable identification of animals that had been exposed to Cas9, guide RNA, and donor DNA populations sufficient for HR, with a goal being that this might enrich for the desired (unmarked) mutation event. The validity of such a coselection approach is supported by a recently described co-CRISPR strategy, in which animals selected for CRISPR/Cas9-induced NHEJ mutations at the unc-22 locus served as a marker and enriched for CRISPR/Cas9-induced NHEJ events at a second unlinked locus (KIM et al. 2014). Because successful oligonucleotide-templated introduction of specific mutations requires that animals have experienced an HR event, co-conversion requires a more appropriate selection strategy for specific genome modification than coCRISPR, which only requires recovered animals be competent for NHEJ. Here we combine the ease of genome editing afforded by CRISPR/Cas9facilitated, oligonucleotide-templated conversion with a co-conversion strategy that mitigates the amount of downstream (PCR-based) screening. We demonstrate the coconversion strategy efficiently recovers custom genetic modifications in an otherwise unmarked genetic background. We find that the tendency for CRISPR/Cas9 to induce multiple mutational events imposes non-trivial constraints on the genetic properties of phenotypic marker mutations to be used for co-conversion, particularly in cases where multiple rounds of HR are to be executed. We describe several phenotypic markers and strategies useful for the co-conversion method, and demonstrate their utility for recursive rounds of CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing (recursive mutagenesis). Methods Strains The Bristol N2 strain was used in all experiments, grown on nematode growth medium (NGM) plates seeded with OP50 (BRENNER 1974). Animals were grown at 16C prior to injection and at 23C after injection. Template DNA Donor oligonucleotides bearing the mutation of interest and additional silent mutations were designed to ablate the gRNA cleavage site and introduce a restriction site. To design silent restriction sites, we found the SiteFind tool useful (EVANS and LIU 2005). Donor oligonucleotides encompassed 50 nt of flanking homology on either side. Oligonucleotide preparations (IDT) were dissolved to a final concentration of 10uM and used in injection mixes at ~20ng/ul without further purification. The rde-1(AAA) plasmid used for integration in Figure 4 (pJP44.3.1) , encompasses the entire rde-1 gene, including ~2700 and 900 bp of upstream and downstream sequence (PAK et al. 2012). The rde-1(AAA) PCR product was generated with primers AF-JA-21/82 using pJA32, a derivative of pJP44.3.1, as a substrate. The full sequence of the PCR product is presented in the supplement. The lin-14::GFP plasmid (L7969) was derived from a full-length GFP-tagged version of lin-14 (VT333G; (HONG et al. 2000)) by retention of a SalI to NotI fragment with consequent deletion of sequences upstream of the lin-14B coding region and of lin-14B exons 1, 2, and 3. Single Worm PCR Single worms were picked into 15ul of 1X PCR buffer (10mM Tris, 50mM KCl, 2mM MgCl2, pH 8.0) with Proteinase K (500ng/ul) for single worm genomic prep. The solution was