The Impact of Climate Disasters on the Cost of Equity Capital: Evidence from China

U. Jingx,HU Xiaojunc
Abstract:: Climate change increasesthe probability and intensityofdisasterand bringsadverse impacts on socialandeco-nomic activities. This paper presents the impact of climate risk on the cost of equity capital (COE) and sheds light on the in fl u-ence mechanisms and moderating factors between climate disaster shocks and the COE in a developing country. We fi rst explain how climate risk represented by drought impacts the COE theoretically. Using the sample data listed in A-share market from 2004 to 2019, we fi nd that drought leads to the rise of the COE due to the deterioration of information environment andtheriseofbusinessrisk.Speci fi cally,thein fl uencemechanismistested,andtheresultsshowthat1)droughtincreases fi rms ’ real earnings management 2) and drought has a negative impact on the fi rms ’ return on asset (ROA). Namely, the in fl uence mechanism of drought on the COE is that drought changes the fi rms ’ information environment and business activities. Further analysisshowsthattheimpactofdroughton theCOEisdifferentin aheterogeneous fi rm.Thedroughthasasigni fi cantimpact on the COE in fi rms with low-ability managers, state-owned enterprises, and politically connected fi rms, but the impact is not signi fi cant in fi rms with high-ability managers, non-state-owned enterprises, and nonpolitically connected fi rms. Our research helpspeopletounderstandtheconsequencesofclimatechangefromthemicroeconomic-level fi rm ’ sperspective.
Economics,Environmental Science
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