Traces of Multiadditive Maps on Rank-S Matrices
Haiyang Jiang,Xiaowei Xu,Haoran Yu
Abstract:Let m, n be integers such that 1 < m < n. Let R = M-n(D) be the ring of all n x n matrices over a division ring D, M an additive subgroup of R and G : R-m -> R an m-additive map. In this paper, under a mild technical assumption, we prove that delta(1)(x) = G(x, ... ,x) is an element of M for each rank-s matrix x is an element of R implies 81(x) is an element of M for each x is an element of R, where s is a fixed integer such that m < s < n, which has been considered for the case s = n in [Xu X, Zhu J., Central traces of multiadditive maps on invertible matrices, Linear Multilinear Algebra 2018; 66:1442-1448]. Also, an example is provided showing that the conclusion will not be true if s < m. As applications, we also extend the conclusions by Liu, Franca et al., Lee et al. and Beidar et al., respectively, to the case of rank-s matrices for m < s < n.