Yoshinobu Yamamoto,Tomoaki Kunugi,Kazuyuki Takase
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1615/tsfp6.1580
Abstract:In this study, the direct numerical simulation of a fullydeveloped turbulent channel flow with deformed bubbles were conducted by means of the MARS method, turbulent Reynolds number 150, and Particle Reynolds number 120. As the results, large scale wake motions round bubbles were confirmed. At the bubble related region, mean velocity was degreased and turbulent intensites and Reynolds shear stress were incresed by the effects of the large scale wake motions round bubbles. On the other hands, near wall region, effects of bubbly flow might act on flow laminarlize and drag reduction. Two types of drag coefficient of bubble were estimated from the accelerated velocity of bubble and experimental equation as a function of Particle Reynolds number. Drag coefficient estimated by the accelerated velocity of bubble was below the results estimated by the experimental equation. INTRODUCTION Turbulent flows with bubbles are very often found in engineering devices such as a light-water nuclear reactor and chemical reactor. Therefore, both experimental and numerical investigations have been conducted, extensively. In the view points of understanding coherent structures and turbulent statistics behaviours, the DNS (Direct Numerical Simulation) is expected to have advantages of the experimental approaches. Recently, DNS of the turbulent shear flows with deformability bubbles have been conducted by Kawamura and Kodama, 2002, Lu et. al., 2005 and Lu and Tryggvason, 2008, based on the fronttracking method. These DNS focused on interaction between turbulent structures near wall and bubbles to investigate friction drag reduction effects on wall. In this study, DNS of a fully-developed turbulent channel flow with bubbles were conducted to investigate forces acted on deformability bubbles such as drag coefficient. NUMERICAL METHOD Numerical procedure was based on the MARS method (Kunugi, 1997, Kunugi, 2001); the governing equations are consisted of Navier-Stokes equations with the CSF (Continuum Surface Force) model (Brackbill, 1992) , continuity equation and transport equations of a volume fraction function (VOF) F. To refine the suface tention acted on bubbles, a kind of a level-set function estimated by using VOF function, was used for calculation of the surface tention. As for the discretization of the governing equations on the Cartesian coordinate system, the second-order scheme for the spatial differencing terms is used on the staggered grid system. Time integration method was lowstorage 3rd-order Runge-Kutta scheme for convection terms, Crank-Nicolson scheme for viscous terms and Euler Implicit scheme for Pressure terms, respectively. The physical problem treated here is the motion of two Newtonian incompressible fluids allowed the interface deformation between them. NUMERICAL CONDITION Figure 1 shows flow geometry and coordinate systems and Numerical condition was tabled in Table 1. In this study, minimum flow units (Jimenez and Moin, 1991) was selected as numerical domain. Thermal properties at normal airwater system were adapted. A fully developed single-phase turbulent channel flow data was used as the initial velocity fields and 4 bubbles which diameter was 1 mm were entrained in channel center domain. Sixth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena Seoul, Korea, 22-24 June 2009
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