Comparison of malignant hyperthermia cases in Chinese mainland and China's Taiwan region
Abstract:Objective:To comparatively analyze the clinical data of malignant hyperthermia (MH) cases in Chinese mainland and China's Taiwan region, in order to explore the early diagnosis, treatment measures and effectiveness of MH, and the use of dantrolene.Methods:All MH cases reported from January 1976 to April 2022 were collected by searching Wanfang Data, SinoMed, CNKI, and Taiwan Scholar Journal Database. The epidemiological characteristics, the characteristics of onset, clinical manifestations, treatment measures, dantrolene usage and outcomes of MH cases in Chinese mainland and China's Taiwan region were analyzed.Results:There were 140 MH cases reported in Chinese mainland and 12 cases in China's Taiwan region, where most of the patients were adolescents, with more boys than girls, and the disease was often developed during oral surgery (cleft lip and palate repair), and orthopedic surgery (orthopedic surgery for congenital scoliosis). The typical clinical manifestations of MH patients included rapid increases in body temperature, abnormal increases in heart rate, muscular tension or muscle rigidity, and abnormal high end-tidal carbon dioxide partial pressure (P ETCO 2). The patients were mainly clinically diagnosed, while muscle biopsy or genetic testing was performed in several cases. Treatment measures were mainly cooling, respiratory and circulatory support, diuresis, correction of acidosis, and alkalinization of the urine. In Chinese mainland, when dantrolene was not available, a few patients underwent blood purification treatment, and the overall survival rate of MH patients was 54.3%. The application rate of dantrolene in China's Taiwan region was 83.3%, with a MH survival rate of 100%. Conclusions:Compared with patients in China's Taiwan region, dantrolene is less commonly used for MH patients in Chinese mainland, with a lower survival rate. With the increasing attention and understanding of MH, the proposal of a new version of the consensus of China, and the application of domestic dantrolene sodium for injection use, the treatment effectiveness of MH cases in Chinese mainland is expected to be improved.