The Resolution of Euclidean Massless Field Operators of Higher Spins on $${\mathbb {R}}^6$$ R 6 and the $$L^2$$ L 2 Method
Kang Qianqian,Wang Wei,Zhang Yuchen
Complex Analysis and Operator Theory
Abstract:The resolution of 4 dimensional massless field operators of higher spins was constructed by Eastwood–Penrose–Wells by using the twistor method. Recently physicists are interested in 6 dimensional physics including the massless field operators of higher spins on Lorentzian space
$${\mathbb {R}}^{5,1}$$
. Its Euclidean version
$$\mathscr {D}_0$$
and their function theory are discussed in (Complex Anal Oper Theory 12:1219–1235, 2018). In this paper, we construct an exact sequence of weighted
spaces resolving
$$\mathscr {D}_0$$
$$\begin{aligned} L^2_\varphi ({\mathbb {R}}^6, \mathscr {V}_0)\overset{\mathscr {D}_0}{\longrightarrow }L^2_\varphi ({\mathbb {R}}^6, \mathscr {V}_1)\overset{\mathscr {D}_1}{\longrightarrow }L^2_\varphi ({\mathbb {R}}^6, \mathscr {V}_2)\overset{\mathscr {D}_2}{\longrightarrow }L^2_\varphi ({\mathbb {R}}^6, \mathscr {V}_3)\longrightarrow 0, \end{aligned}$$
with suitable operators
$$\mathscr {D}_l$$
and vector spaces
$$\mathscr {V}_l$$
. Namely, we can solve
$$\mathscr {D}_{l}u=f$$
$$L^2_\varphi ({\mathbb {R}}^6, \mathscr {V}_{l})$$
$$\mathscr {D}_{l+1} f=0$$
$$f\in L^2_{\varphi }({\mathbb {R}}^6, \mathscr {V}_{l+1})$$
. This is proved by using the
method in the theory of several complex variables, which is a general framework to solve overdetermined PDEs under the compatibility condition. To apply this method here, it is necessary to consider weighted
spaces, an advantage of which is that any polynomial is
$$L^2_{\varphi }$$
integrable. As a corollary, we prove that
$$\begin{aligned} P({\mathbb {R}}^6, \mathscr {V}_0)\overset{\mathscr {D}_0}{\longrightarrow }P({\mathbb {R}}^6,\mathscr {V}_1)\overset{\mathscr {D}_1}{\longrightarrow }P({\mathbb {R}}^6, \mathscr {V}_2)\overset{\mathscr {D}_2}{\longrightarrow }P({\mathbb {R}}^6, \mathscr {V}_3)\longrightarrow 0 \end{aligned}$$
is a resolution, where
$$P({\mathbb {R}}^6, \mathscr {V}_l)$$
is the space of all
$$\mathscr {V}_l$$
-valued polynomials. This provides an analytic way to construct a resolution of a differential operator acting on vector valued polynomials.