Global Existence and Blow-Up of Solutions to a Nonlocal Kirchhoff Diffusion Problem
Hang Ding,Jun Zhou
Abstract:In this paper, we study the following diffusion model of Kirchhoff-type driven by a nonlocal integro-differential operator tu + M([u] 2s)LKu = |u| p-2u, in x R+, u(x, t) = 0, in (RN \ ) x R+, u(x, 0) = u0(x), in where [u] s is the Gagliardo seminorm of u, RN is a bounded domain with Lipschitz boundary, 0 < s < min{1, N/2}, LK is a nonlocal integro-differential operator defined in (1.2), which generalizes the fractional Laplace operator (-)s, u0 : [0,+) is the initial function, and M : [0,+) [0,+) is a continuous function and there exist two constants m0 > 0 and > 1 such that M() m0-1, [0,+). As is well-known, the nonlocal Kirchhoff problem was first introduced and motivated in Fiscella and Valdinoci (2014 Nonlinear Anal. 94 156-70) and the above problem was studied by Xiang et al (2018 Nonlinearity 31 3228-50), the main results of Xiang et al ( 2018 Nonlinearity 31 3228-50) are as follows: The local existence of nontrivial, nonnegative weak solution for 1 < < 2 s /2, where 2 s := 2N/(N - 2s). The blow-up conditions for nontrivial, nonnegative weak solution when J(u0) < 0, where J(u0) denotes the initial energy. The main purpose of this paper is to extend the above results and we get: The global existence of nontrivial, nonnegative weak solution for any 2 s /2. The global existence and blow-up conditions for nontrivial, nonnegative weak solution when J(u0) d for the case M() = m0-1, where d is a positive constant given in (1.13).