Low Mach number Limit of Steady Thermally Driven Fluid
Feimin Huang,Weiqiang Wang,Yong Wang
Abstract:In this paper, we establish the existence of strong solutions to the steady non-isentropic compressible Navier-Stokes system with Dirichlet boundary conditions in bounded domains where the fluid is driven by the wall temperature, and justify its low Mach number limit, i.e., $\v\to 0$, in $L^{\infty}$ sense with a rate of convergence. Notably, for the limiting system \eqref{fge} obtained in the low Mach number limit, the variation of the wall temperature is allowed to be independent of the Mach number. It is also worth pointing out that the velocity field $u_{1}$ acts like a ghost since it appears at $\v$-order in the expansion, but still affects the density and temperature at $O(1)$-order. In the proof, we design a new expansion, in which the density, velocity and temperature have different expansion forms with respect to $\v$, so that the density at higher orders is well-defined under the Boussinesq relations and the constraint of zero average. We also introduce a new $\v$-dependent functional space, allowing us to obtain some uniform estimates for high-order normal derivatives near the boundary.
Analysis of PDEs