Business Models, Ecosystems, and Society in the Sharing Economy

Tomi Laamanen,Jeffrey Pfeffer,Ke Rong,Andrew Van de Ven
Academy of Management Discoveries
Abstract:Academy of Management DiscoveriesVol. 2, No. 2 Call for PapersBusiness Models, Ecosystems, and Society in the Sharing EconomyTomi Laamanen, Jeffrey Pfeffer, Ke Rong and Andrew Van de VenTomi Laamanen(U. of St. Gallen, Switzerland), Jeffrey Pfeffer(Stanford U. USA), Ke Rong(U. of Exeter, U.K) and Andrew Van de Ven(U. of Minnesota, USA)Published Online:9 May 2016 articleView Full TextPDF/EPUB ToolsDownload CitationsAdd to favoritesTrack Citations ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail View articleREFERENCESAdner R., & Kapoor R. 2010. Value creation in innovation ecosystems: how the structure of technological interdependence affects firm performance in new technology generations. Strategic Management Journal, 31(3), 306–333. Google ScholarAldrich H., & Herker D. 1977. Boundary spanning roles and organization structure. Academy of Management Review, 2(2), 217–230.Link , Google ScholarAmit R., & Zott C. 2012. Creating value through business model innovation. 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