Improved Limit on Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay in <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mmultiscripts><mml:mrow><mml:mo> </mml:mo><mml:mi>Te</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mprescripts /><mml:none /><mml:mrow><mml:mn>130</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:mmultiscripts></mml:mrow></mml:math> with CUORE

D. Q. Adams,C. Alduino,K. Alfonso,F. T. Avignone,O. Azzolini,G. Bari,F. Bellini,G. Benato,M. Biassoni,A. Branca,C. Brofferio,C. Bucci,A. Caminata,A. Campani,L. Canonica,X. G. Cao,S. Capelli,L. Cappelli,L. Cardani,P. Carniti,N. Casali,D. Chiesa,N. Chott,M. Clemenza,S. Copello,C. Cosmelli,O. Cremonesi,R. J. Creswick,A. D’Addabbo,D. D’Aguanno,I. Dafinei,C. J. Davis,S. Dell’Oro,S. Di Domizio,V. Dompè,D. Q. Fang,G. Fantini,M. Faverzani,E. Ferri,F. Ferroni,E. Fiorini,M. A. Franceschi,S. J. Freedman,B. K. Fujikawa,A. Giachero,L. Gironi,A. Giuliani,P. Gorla,C. Gotti,T. D. Gutierrez,K. Han,K. M. Heeger,R. G. Huang,H. Z. Huang,J. Johnston,G. Keppel,Yu. G. Kolomensky,C. Ligi,Y. G. Ma,L. Ma,L. Marini,R. H. Maruyama,Y. Mei,N. Moggi,S. Morganti,T. Napolitano,M. Nastasi,J. Nikkel,C. Nones,E. B. Norman,V. Novati,A. Nucciotti,I. Nutini,T. O’Donnell,J. L. Ouellet,C. E. Pagliarone,L. Pagnanini,M. Pallavicini,L. Pattavina,M. Pavan,G. Pessina,V. Pettinacci,C. Pira,S. Pirro,S. Pozzi,E. Previtali,A. Puiu,C. Rosenfeld,C. Rusconi,M. Sakai,S. Sangiorgio,B. Schmidt,N. D. Scielzo,V. Sharma,V. Singh,M. Sisti,D. Speller,P. T. Surukuchi,L. Taffarello,F. Terranova,C. Tomei,M. Vignati,S. L. Wagaarachchi,B. S. Wang,B. Welliver,J. Wilson,K. Wilson,L. A. Winslow,L. Zanotti,S. Zimmermann,S. Zucchelli
IF: 8.6
Physical Review Letters
Abstract:We report new results from the search for neutrinoless double-beta decay in 130Te with the CUORE detector. This search benefits from a fourfold increase in exposure, lower trigger thresholds, and analysis improvements relative to our previous results. We observe a background of (1.38±0.07)×10−2 counts/(keV kg yr)) in the 0νββ decay region of interest and, with a total exposure of 372.5 kg yr, we attain a median exclusion sensitivity of 1.7×1025 yr. We find no evidence for 0νββ decay and set a 90% credibility interval Bayesian lower limit of 3.2×1025 yr on the 130Te half-life for this process. In the hypothesis that 0νββ decay is mediated by light Majorana neutrinos, this results in an upper limit on the effective Majorana mass of 75–350 meV, depending on the nuclear matrix elements used.Received 23 December 2019Revised 11 February 2020Accepted 27 February 2020DOI:© 2020 American Physical SocietyPhysics Subject Headings (PhySH)Research AreasDouble beta decayNeutrinoless double beta decayNuclear structure & decaysPropertiesBaryon & lepton number symmetriesNuclear PhysicsParticles & Fields
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