The “dark” Sides of Inclusion and Exclusion in the Workplace: A Counter-Intuitive Examination

Zhiyu Feng,Fong T. Keng,Maureen L. Ambrose,SinHui Chong,C. Ashley Fulmer,Jie Li,Christian Noble Thoroughgood,Riguang Gao,Yu Tse Heng,Hu Li,Huiwen Lian,Dong Liu,Katina Sawyer,Kristin L. Scott,Wei Wang,Christy Zhou Koval
Abstract:Despite the larger body of research that highlights the benefits of social inclusion (the act of including someone in interpersonal relationships) and costs of social exclusion (the act of excluding someone from interpersonal relationships), less is known about the potentially counterintuitive effects of each and why they might occur. This symposium is comprised of five presentations that advance our understanding of the “dark” sides of inclusion and exclusion in the workplace by: (1) examining counterintuitive models of leader and coworker “deserved” exclusionary behaviors (e.g., ostracism and abusive supervision), with a deeper exploration into counterintuitive reasons of why certain employees are excluded and the unexpected positive outcomes of this exclusion; and (2) exploring models of how mismatching leader and follower inclusionary and exclusionary behaviors (e.g., trust, helping behavior, and abusive supervision) can lead to greater performance. Included in this symposium are papers that employ rigorous methodologies (i.e., multilevel, multiphase, and multisource design) for hypothesis testing. Overall, the proposed symposium will have important implications for management scholars and practitioners alike. The Effects of Subordinate Ascribed and Achieved Status on Supervisor Incivility Presenter: Christy Zhou Koval; Eli Broad School of Business, Michigan State U. Presenter: Jie Li; Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology Presenter: Huiwen Lian; U. of Kentucky Ashamed for Performing Well: An Examination of Abusive Supervision from the Third Party Perspective Presenter: Zhiyu Feng; Nanyang Technological U. Presenter: Fong T. Keng; Nanyang Technological U. Presenter: Dong Liu; Georgia Institute of Technology Presenter: Hu Li; Nanjing U. When There’s No One Else To Blame: Coworker Competence and Warmth, Ostracism, and Ingratiation Presenter: Christian Noble Thoroughgood; Villanova U. Presenter: Wei Wang; U. of Minnesota Presenter: Katina Sawyer; George Washington U. Presenter: Kristin L. Scott; College of Business, Clemson U. Moderators that Qualify a Positive Relation of Abusive Supervision with Employee Performance Presenter: SinHui Chong; Nanyang Technological U. Presenter: Riguang Gao; - Dyadic Trust between Leaders and Followers: Asymmetry as a Motivational Force Presenter: C. Ashley Fulmer; Georgia State U. Presenter: Yu Tse Heng; U. of Washington, Seattle
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