Comparison of Subspace Iteration, Iterative Ritz Vector Method and Iterative Lanczos Method
GONG Yu-cai,ZHOU Hong-Wei,CHEN Pu,YUAN Ming-wu
Abstract:Based on the cell sparse fast solver and loop-unrolling, this paper implements three efficient eigenvalue algorithms-subspace iteration, iterative Ritz method and iterative Lanczos method. Slight modifications are made for iterative Ritz method and iterative Lanczos method. These eigenvalue algorithms are examined under the mode error, i.e, the ratio of out-of-balance nodal point forces that is the difference of maximum elastic nodal point forces and maximum inertia nodal point forces, and the maximum elastic nodal point. Averagely, iterative Ritz method is the most effcient one among them. Engineering projects are used as examples to verify the methods. Under the mode error convergence criterion the eigenvalue extracting processes are more stable than eigenvalue convergence criteria. Compared with ANSYS's subspace iteration and block Lanczos approaches, the subspace iteration of this paper is much more efficient, and Lanczos approach has almost equal efficiency. The methods proposed are of industrial strength and efficient. Large scale tests show that the improvement in terms of CPU time and storage request is tremendous.