N onclassicality ofquantum excitation ofclassicalcoherent elds in therm al environm ents

Shang-Bin Li,Justin Liu,Xu-Bo Zou,G uang-Can G uo
Abstract:Thenonclassicality ofphoton-added coherent eldsin thetherm alchannelisinvestigated by exploring the volum e ofthe negative part ofthe W igner function which reduces with the dissipativetim e.The W ignerfunctionsbecom e positivewhen the decay tim e exceedsa threshold value.Forthecaseofthesinglephoton-added coherentstate,wederivetheexact threshold valuesofdecay tim ein thetherm alchannel.Forarbitrary partialnegativeW igner distribution function,a genericanalyticalrelation between them ean photon num berofheat bath and the threshold valueofdecay tim eispresented.Finally,the possibleapplication of SPACSsin quantum com putation hasbeen brie y discussed. O CIS codes:270.0270,270.2500,000.5490
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