Fastest R otating Pulsar : A Strange Star ?

XU Ren-Xin,XU Xuan-Bin
Abstract:Pulsars are conventionally m odeled asneutron stars,buta strange star 2] m odel forpulsars isalso proposed (see also a review,e.g.,by Xu et al.). Therefore itis of greatim portanceto nd observationally unam biguousfeaturesto distinguish strangestars from neutron stars. There are three hopefulways known hitherto to identify a strange star,which are based upon the di erencesofviscosity,m ass-radiusrelation,and surface condition between neutron and strange stars. Recently,Kapoorand Shukre suggested to constrain the equationsofstate ofneutron starsby Rankin’sexperientialline ofthe coreem ission ofradio pulsars,and nd therestriction thatthepulsarm assesM 2:5M and radiiR 10:5 km ,indicating thatpuslarsare strange stars. However,Kapoorand Shukre’swork hasatleasttwo unseem ly points:(1)the polarcap isde ned foraligned rotators(ratherthan fororthogonalrotators)in theircalculation;(2)the Rankin line is notdoubtlesstrue due to m any observationaland statisticaluncertainties. By rede ning thepolarcap fororthogonalrotators,stillwe can notobtain a conclusion thatpuslarsare strangestars,orthatsom eneutron starsequationsofstateareruled out,iftheRankin line isused to constrain pulsarm assesand radii. Nevertheless,when applying thism ethod to the fastestrotating pulsar,PSR 1937+21,we conclude thatthe pulsarm ay be a strange star,oratleastsom eequationsofstateshould beruled out.In orderto nd solid evidence
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