University of Birmingham Temporal variations of O3 and NOx in the urban background atmosphere of the coastal city Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

M. Alghamdi,M. Khoder,R. Harrison,A. Hyvärinen,T. Hussein,H. Al-Jeelani,A. S. Abdelmaksoud,M. Goknil,I. I. Shabbaj,F. M. Almehmadi,H. Lihavainen,M. Kulmala,K. Hämeri
Abstract:37 Ozone is a pollutant of major concern because of its well recognised effects upon human health and 38 crop yields. This study analyses in depth a new dataset for ozone from Jeddah, a coastal city in 39 Saudi Arabia within the Middle Eastern region, for which very few ozone data are currently 40 available, collected between March 2012 and February 2013. The measurements presented include 41 NO, NO 2 and ozone as well as relevant meteorological variables. The data show a marked seasonal 42 variation in ozone with highest concentrations in the summer months and lowest average 43 concentrations in the winter. Concentrations also show a substantial difference between weekdays 44 and weekends, with higher NO and NO 2 on weekdays, but lower concentrations of ozone. Plots of 45 total oxidant versus NO x concentration indicate background concentrations of ozone (at zero NO x ) 46 ranging from 38.2 ppb in January to 59 ppb in May consistent with the northern hemisphere spring 47 maximum in ozone concentrations. The slope of total oxidant/NO x varies from 0.13 in March to 48 0.68 in August. The two summer months of July and August are anomalous with slopes of around 49 double that of other months, suggesting a higher efficiency of ozone production at lower primary 50 pollutant concentrations arising from much reduced daytime traffic. A substantial 51 weekend/weekday difference in ozone which is higher at weekends appears to be attributable to 52 lower daytime traffic activity and hence reduced emissions of NO x to a “NO x -saturated” 53 atmosphere.
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