Lattice w ith O verlap Ferm ions

S. Dong,T. Draper,I. Horv,F. Lee,K. Liu,J. Zhang
Abstract:The chiralproperties ofthe pseudoscalar m esons are studied num erically on a quenched 20 lattice with the overlap ferm ion. W e elucidate the role of thezero m odesin them eson propagators,particularly thatofthepseudoscalar m eson.Thenon-perturbativerenorm alization constantZA isdeterm ined from the axialW ard identity and is found to be alm ost independent ofthe quark m assfortherangeofquark m asseswestudy;thisim pliesthattheO (a)error issm all. The pion decay constant,f ,iscalculated from which we determ ine the lattice spacing to be 0.148 fm . W e look for quenched chirallog in the pseudoscalar decay constants and the pseudoscalar m asses and we nd clear evidenceforitspresence.Thechirallog param eter isdeterm ined to bein the range 0.15 { 0.4 which isconsistentwith thatpredicted from quenched chiral perturbation theory.
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