Spatio-Temporal Graph Scattering Transform /Author=Pan, Chao; Chen, Siheng; Ortega, Antonio /CreationDate=May 11, 2021 /Subject=Artificial Intelligence, Signal Processing

Abstract:Although spatio-temporal graph neural networks have achieved great empirical success in handling multiple correlated time series, they may be impractical in some real-world scenarios due to a lack of sufficient high-quality training data. Furthermore, spatio-temporal graph neural networks lack theoretical interpretation. To address these issues, we put forth a novel mathematically designed framework to analyze spatio-temporal data. Our proposed spatio-temporal graph scattering transform (ST-GST) extends traditional scattering transforms to the spatiotemporal domain. It performs iterative applications of spatio-temporal graph wavelets and nonlinear activation functions, which can be viewed as a forward pass of spatio-temporal graph convolutional networks without training. Since all the filter coefficients in ST-GST are mathematically designed, it is promising for the real-world scenarios with limited training data, and also allows for a theoretical analysis, which shows that the proposed ST-GST is stable to small perturbations of input signals and structures. Finally, our experiments show that i) ST-GST outperforms spatio-temporal graph convolutional networks by an increase of 35% in accuracy for MSR Action3D dataset; ii) it is better and computationally more efficient to design the transform based on separable spatio-temporal graphs than the joint ones; and iii) the nonlinearity in ST-GST is critical to empirical performance. International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) c © 2021 MERL. This work may not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part for any commercial purpose. Permission to copy in whole or in part without payment of fee is granted for nonprofit educational and research purposes provided that all such whole or partial copies include the following: a notice that such copying is by permission of Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Inc.; an acknowledgment of the authors and individual contributions to the work; and all applicable portions of the copyright notice. Copying, reproduction, or republishing for any other purpose shall require a license with payment of fee to Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved. Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Inc. 201 Broadway, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2021 SPATIO-TEMPORAL GRAPH SCATTERING TRANSFORM Chao Pan University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Champaign, IL, USA Siheng Chen ∗ Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai, China Antonio Ortega University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA, USA
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