The Fourth China-Japan Conference on Number Theory
Shigeru Kanemitsu,Jianya Liu,Xiumin Ren,Masaki Sudo,Yoshio Tanigawa,Haruo Tsukada,Isao Wakabayashi,Tianze Wang,Honggang Xia,Wenguang Zhai,Takako Kuzumaki,Hailong Li,Shigeki Akiyama,Kenji Nagasaka,Takako Kuzumaki Kobayashi,Vladimir N. Chubarikov,Trevor D. Wooley
Abstract:Shigeki Akiyama; Niigata University, Japan e-mail: Title: Rational Based Number System and Mahler’s Problem Abstract: We introduce a number system with a fixed rational number base. For instance, it is based by powers of 3/2 with digits in {0, 1, 2} with some restrictions. This is also produced by a boosted adding machine. The system gives a way to expand positive integers. Though the associated language is not even context free, the odometer is given by an automaton. The system can be “compactified” by extending to right. Each real number is aperiodic by this expansion. Up to countable exceptions, the expansion is unique. We characterized this countable exceptions and found an interesting connection with Mahler’s problem on the distribution of fractional parts of (3/2) in [2]. This talk is based on a joint work [1] with Ch. Frougny (Paris 7) and J. Sakarovitch (CNRS, ENST). References [1] S. Akiyama, Ch. Frougny, and J. Sakarovitch, Powers of rationals modulo 1 and rational base number systems, submitted. [2] K. Mahler, An unsolved problem on the powers of 3/2, J. Austral. Math. Soc. 8 (1968), 313–321. Krishnaswami Alladi; University of Florida, USA e-mail: Title: New Approaches to Jacobi’s Triple Product Identity and A Quadruple Product Extension Abstract: Jacobi’s triple product identity for theta functions is one of the most fundamental in the theory of special functions and q-hypergeometric series. We will describe new combinatorial approaches to Jacobi’s identity via reformulations of an important partition theorem of Göllnitz. Recently Andrews, Berkovich and I obtained a deep four parameter extension of the theorem of Göllnitz. We will show how specializations of this four parameter theorem can be used to construct a quadruple product extension of the triple product identity. Tianxin Cai; Zhejiang University, China e-mail: Title: On the Height of Happy Numbers 11 Abstract: (Joint work with Xia Zhou) In this paper the authors extend a curious harmonic congruence to arbitrary length for any prime p > 3 and positive integer n ≤ p− 2: ∑ (Joint work with Xia Zhou) In this paper the authors extend a curious harmonic congruence to arbitrary length for any prime p > 3 and positive integer n ≤ p− 2: ∑ l1+l2+···+ln=p l1,··· ,ln>0 1 l1l2 · · · ln ≡ { −(n− 1)! Bp−n(mod p) if 2 n, − n 2(n+1) n! Bp−n−1 p (mod p) if 2|n. , We also give a general method to find the least happy number of any given height theoretically, which related to a problem asked by R.Guy. Yonggao Chen; Nanjing Normal University, China e-mail: Title: (Joint work with Wei Liu) On the Prime Power Factorization of n! Abstract: Let p1, p2, · · · be the sequence of all primes in ascending order. For a positive integer n, let epi(n) be the nonnegative integer with p epi (n) i | n and p epi (n)+1 i n. In 1997, D. Berend proved a conjecture of Erdős and Graham by showing that for every positive integer k there exist infinitely many positive integers n with ep1(n!) ≡ 0(mod 2), ep2(n!) ≡ 0(mod 2), · · · , epk(n!) ≡ 0(mod 2). In 2003, Y. G. Chen proved Sander’s conjecture: for any given positive integer k and any εi ∈ {0, 1}(i = 1, 2, · · · , k), there exist infinitely many positive integers n such that ep1(n!) ≡ ε1(mod 2), ep2(n!) ≡ ε2(mod 2), · · · , epk(n!) ≡ εk(mod 2). In 2003, F. Luca and P. Stănică posed a conjecture: Conjecture (F. Luca and P. Stănică). Let p1, · · · , pk be distinct primes, m1, · · · ,mk be arbitrary positive integers (> 2), and 0 6 ai 6 mi−1 for i = 1, · · · , k be arbitrary residue class modulo mi. Then | {0 6 n < N : epi(n) ≡ ai(mod mi), 1 6 i 6 k} |∼ N m1 · · ·mk as N →∞. We will talk about the progress on this topic. YoungJu Choie; Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea e-mail: Title: Broué-Enguehard Maps and Atkin-Lehner Involutions Abstract: (Joint work with P. Solé) Let ` be one of the ten integers such that the sum of their divisors divide 24. For each such `, (except 15) we give 12 a map from an algebra of polynomial invariants of some finite group to the algebra of modular forms invariant under the Atkin-Lehner group of level `. These maps are motivated and inspired by constructions of modular lattices from self-dual codes over rings . This work generalizes Broué-Enguehard work in level one and three obtained from binary and ternary codes. Vladimir N. Chubarikov; Moscow State University, Russia e-mail: Title: Trigonometric Sums in Number Theory, Analysis and Probability Theory Abstract: TBA Kentaro Ihara; Kinki University, Japan e-mail: k− Title: On the Structure of Algebra of Multiple Zeta Values Abstract: (Joint work with H. Ochiai) The multiple zeta value (MZV) is a number defined by convergent series ζ(k1, k2, . . . , kn) = ∑ m1>m2>···>mn>0 1 m1 1 m k2 2 · · ·mkn n ∈ R, where k1, k2, . . . , kn are positive integers with k1 > 1. Here n is the depth and k = k1+· · ·+kn the weight of the MZV. Let Z = ⊕ k≥0Zk be the graded Qvector space generated by MZVs, where Zk is the component of weight k. It is known Z has a filtered graded Q-algebra structure: Z k Z ′) k′ ⊂ Z ′) k+k′ , where Z k is the subspace spanned by MZVs of weight k and depth 6 n. The algebra Z is deeply connected with the theory of mixed motives and Galois representation on the fundamental group of a curve. The main problem is what the structure of Z is. Let Dk,n be the minimum number of algebra generators of Z in weight k and depth n. Theorem For even d, we have Dd+3,3 6 [ d2−1 48 ] . In [1], Kaneko, Zagier and Ihara define a Q-vector space DShn(d) (called double shuffle space) whose dimension gives an upper bound of the numbers Dd+n,n for each n, d. The DShn(d) consists of homogeneous polynomials of degree d in n variables with Q-coefficients and which satisfy certain identities. These identities are connected with two kinds of product structures (shuffle products) in Z. For example, f ∈ DSh3(d) ⊂ Q[x1, x2, x3] satisfies the relations f(x1, x2, x3) + f(x2, x1, x3) + f(x2, x3, x1) = 0 and f (x1, x2, x3) + f (x2, x1, x3) + f (x2, x3, x1) = 0, where f (a, b, c) = f(a + 13 b+c, b+c, c). It is shown in [1] that DShn(d) = {0} for odd d, consequently Dk,n = 0 for k, n with distinct parity. For case n = 2, it is known that Dd+2,2 6 [d6 ] for even d. For case n = 3, Goncharov shows the inequality Dd+3,3 6 [ 2−1 48 ] for even d in [2]. Our theorem above gives the same estimate, but by quite different method, using the theory of invariants for reflection groups. As a corollary we have an expression of the space DSh3(d) in terms of the invariants under the reflection groups. References [1] K. Ihara, M. Kaneko, D. Zagier, Derivations and double shuffle relations for multiple zeta values, Compositio Math. 142 (2006), 307–338. [2] A. B. Goncharov, Multiple polylogarithms, cyclotomy and modular complexes, Math. Res. Lett. 5 (1998), 497–516. Chaohua Jia; The Chinese Academy of Sciences, China e-mail: Title: On a Conjecture of Yiming Long