Schedule for Combinatorial Algebra meets Algebraic Combinatorics

Nantel Bergeron,Weidong Gao
Abstract:We introduce a notion of a combinatorial inverse system in non-commutative variables.We present two important examples, some conjectures and results. These conjectures and results were suggested and supported by computer investigations. This is joint work with H. Li and J. C. Aval. 2. Mats Boij (KTH, Sweden): The cone of Betti diagrams I & II Abstract: Working on the Multiplicity conjecure, Jonas Söderberg and I came up with a set of conjectures on the set of Betti diagrams of graded Cohen-Macaulay modules up to scaling. The main idea is that Betti diagrams can be decomposed into sums of pure diagrams, with possibly rational entries, in a very precise manner. In 2007 part of the conjectures were proven by Eisenbud, Fløystad and Weyman and soon after that they were completely proven by Eisenbud and Schreyer. In their work they also discovered a beautiful connection and duality with the same problem for cohomology tables of vector bunndles on projective spaces. It is interesting to note that the combinatorial structure of the cone as a simplicial fan plays an important role. Later these results have been extended to the non-Cohen-Macaulay case and on the dual side to coherent sheaves. In the first talk I will give the background and explain the known results so far. In the second talk, I will discuss some applications of the results and I will show how the use of scaling can help in studying Betti diagrams and Hilbert functions. Among the applications I will talk about the parameter spaces of modules with a given Hilbert function. 3. Sara Faridi (Dalhousie University): Graphs, hypergraphs and algebras associated with them (Colloquium Talk) Abstract: This talk explores how algebraists have been using graphs and their higher-dimensional counterparts to discover large classes of algebras having various algebraic properties. Conversely, combinatorial descriptions of subclasses of hypergraphs can be given using these algebraic properties. The talk will highlight the contributions of many people at different points of time and from different points of view. 4. Weidong Gao (Nankai University): Some combinatorial problems and group algebras Abstract: In this talk, we shall present several recent results in combinatorics obtained by employing group algebras as a tool in a similar way. In this talk, we shall present several recent results in combinatorics obtained by employing group algebras as a tool in a similar way. 5. Tony Iarrobino (Northeastern University): Commuting nilpotent matrices and standard bases for ideals Abstract: Fix an n × n nilpotent matrix B whose Jordan blocks are given by the partition P of n. Consider the ring CB ⊂ Mn(k) of n × n matrices with entries in an algebraically closed field k that commute with B, and its subset NB of nilpotent matrices. Then NB is an irreducible algebraic variety: so there is a Jordan block partition Q(P ) of the generic matrix A ∈ NB. What is Q(P )? Various groups including P. Oblak with T. Kosir, D.I. Panyushev, and R. Basili and the speaker have posed and worked on this problem. We report on this problem, and our approach using standard bases for ideals of the ring k{x, y}. This is joint work with R. Basili and L. Khatami.
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