Interactive comment on “ A revised mineral dust emission scheme in GEOS-Chem : improvements in dust simulations over China ” by Rong Tian et al

R. Tian
Abstract:General Comments: This paper presents the simulations of the Asian dust with GEOSChem model. The main drawbacks of the original parameterization of the dust emission used in official GEOS-Chem are pointed out firstly, subsequently the authors make a lot of efforts to improve the dust emission scheme by revising parameters such as aerodynamic roughness length, soil texture, and sandblasting efficiency. The simulated spatial and temporal variations of dust aerosols are found much closer to observations with the revised GEOS-chem model. General speaking, the manuscript is scientifically sound and well organized. I recommend accepting it after addressing the following comments. Major comments: 1) I suppose you are using a nested version of GOESChem with higher model resolution over your target region East Asia. Are there any interactions between the global simulation and the nested region? Please clarify this.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?