Methods of Building Dense Multi-View Autostereoscopic Display and Its Hardware Requirements
Lujun (Laurence) Chen,Yang Meng,Fangda Jia,Zhongyuan Yu,Laura Di Chen,Michael M. Chen,Chunyu Zhang,Ye Wang,Yuming Liu,Han Ye
Abstract:Based on concept of eye space, we proposed an idea to achieve multi-view autostereoscopic display with densest viewpoints (for largest tolerance) which reaches physical limitation of density. The physical limitation of separation between two neighboring view-points is one eye spacing for largest tolerance in binocular view based display; the display can be achieved by using light-shutter-screen with fast-enough-switching and a circuit hardware called address driving matrix. The idea is applied for both binocular view based and depth map based display. For the former (binocular view), one shutter screen is placed at front of 2D-display screen with address driving matrix and two video streams of left and right eyes; for the latter (not binocular view, a kind of quasi-holography display), two shutter screens are placed at front of 2D-display screen with one 2D video stream and one depth map (depth map can be generated from two video streams of left and right eye or be obtained from a depth camera), in this case, each of all screens (besides each of shutter screens, 2D-display screen also) need separate address driving matrix, and the physical limitation of separation of view-points is further reduced to half of eye spacing for largest tolerance. Current technologies are ready for building the address driving matrix, but not ready yet for the fast-enough-switching, for example, current LCD is not fast enough for this purpose. Therefore, this will bring many challenges and new opportunities for those physicist and engineers who work in area of fast light switch (not only limited in LCD), besides in autostereoscopic display.