Privacy-Enhanced Crowdsourcing Data Trading Based on Blockchain and Stackelberg Game

Zhiyuan Huang,Jun Zheng,Mingjun Xiao
Abstract:Crowdsourcing Data Trading is a novel paradigm, where a platform can aggregate data collected by a group of mobile users. Traditional crowdsourcing data trading systems rely on trusted data trading brokers, which increase costs and cannot prevent collusion. What’s more, they don’t take of data quality and truthfulness into consideration con-currently. The emergence of blockchain and smart contracts brings in a decentralized scheme. However, the selection of the most effective providers remains challenging. To tackle these problems, we propose a dynamic-game-with-complete-information-and-Blockchain-based Crowdsourcing data Trading system (CBCT), which mainly includes a smart contracts called CBCToken. Firstly, we replace the data trading broker and adopt the Stackelberg Game, a Dynamic Game with complete information (DGC), to manage the selection of providers. Moreover, homomorphic watermarking technology is applied to protect the data copyright. Lastly, we deploy BCDToken on an Ethereum test network to demonstrate its practicability and significant performances.
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