Wet Scavenging of Particle-Reactive <sup>2</sup><sup>1</sup><sup>0</sup>Po, <sup>2</sup><sup>1</sup><sup>0</sup>Bi, <sup>2</sup><sup>1</sup><sup>0</sup>Pb and <sup>7</sup>Be in Shanghai, China: Temporal Variation, Controlling Factors and Stratosphere Invasion
Qiangqiang Zhong,Jinzhou Du,Jinlong Wang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46427/gold2020.3188
Abstract:The activities of 210Po, 210Bi, 210Pb and 7Be were measured in 77 rain/snow samples collected at a site of Shanghai, Eastern China, during July 2016 to August 2019. The observed 7Be/210Pb, 210Po/210Pb and 210Bi/210Pb ratios are indicative of some episodic events (typhoon, thunderstorm, cold surge, and passage or invasion of other air mass), on account of higher ratios from high-altitude upper troposphere or lower stratosphere air mass and lower ratios from lowaltitude and young air mass. The annual wet depositional fluxes of 210Po, 210Bi, 210Pb, and 7Be were estimated to vary from 2016 to 2017. The significant inverse relations between specific activities and precipitation indicated that the radionuclide removal processes can be dominated by washout or rainout process in different stage of a single rainfall event, which also have been proved by four rainfall events that occurred on September 15-16, 2016 (caused by Typhoon Meranti), October 2023, 2016 (caused by Typhoon Haima), September 24-25, 2017 (a strong rainfall event), and August 9-11, 2019 (caused by Typhoon Lekima). In the case of September 15-16, 2016, rain, it was calculated that washout scavenging contributed less than 10% of 210Po, 210Pb, and 7Be inventories in this wet precipitation. The strong positive correlations between 210Po and 210Pb, 210Bi and 210Pb, 7Be and 210Pb wet depositional fluxes indicated that all of these four radionuclides were largely regulated by the same processes despite their different sources and somewhat different behaviors. In approximately 20% of the cases (13 out of 67 rains) the residence times calculated from 210Bi/210Pb and 210Po/210Pb ratios were near concordant. In about 80% of the cases (54 out of 67 rains) the 210Bi/210Pb ratios yielded mean residence time values of 0.4 to 5.3 days, whereas the values calculated from 210Po/210Pb ratios varied from 3.8 to 86 days. The discordant residence times might be shown to result from the mixing of two different air masses with different age. And the very high resolution observation for the Typhoon Lekima (August 9-11, 2019) showed that this stratosphere intrusion is very strong and remarkable. Similarly, in the case of the September 15-16, 2016 rain, October 20-23, 2016 rain, and September 24-25, 2017 rain, the 210Po/210Pb, 210Bi/210Pb, and 7Be/210Pb ratios were found to vary markedly and consistently within a single rainfall, and the results of September 15-16 2016 rain implied that a mixing of two air masses occurred during the heavy rainfall: one air mass was represented by a residence time of about 30 days and the other by approximately 7 days.