The Relationships among Supply Chain Security Management, Food Certification and Performance
Rabia TURSON,Hua SONG,Kangkang YU
Abstract:The problem of food quality and safety is not the responsibility of a single department or a unit, but involves in the sup-ply chain security management from the farmland to the dining table.If any food source is polluted or unsafe problems occur, it is likely to lead to a wide spread catastrophic outcome.Therefore, food safety should be considered from the perspective of supply chain security management.Most food products have the experience and credence attributes that the consumers will not observe the quality.In order to distinguish high quality products or services from the lower ones, suppliers tend to adopt the signal strate-gy. <br> This paper identifies two kinds of supply chain security management capabilities:internal supply chain security management and external supply chain security management.From the perspective of supply chain security management, integrated transaction cost theory and signaling theory, and based on the capability-signal-performance framework, the paper established a relational model of direct impact of supply chain security management on food firms′domestic and overseas sales performance and indirect impact by food certification.To test the hypotheses, we selected the food firms in western China, and collected secondary data of 240 food firms through the local Green Food Office and the local Village and Township Enterprises Office from 2010 to 2014. Then we used the method of stepwise regressions model to carry on hypotheses test. <br> The results show that internal supply chain security management has a direct effect on food firms′domestic sales performance, but external supply chain securitymanagement and food quality certification have no relevance to food firms′domestic sales perform-ance;internal and external supply chain security management have direct impacts on food firms′oversea sales performance and indirect impact by food certification. <br> Internal supply chain security management promotes sales in the domestic market, while the overseas performance depends both on internal and external supply chain security management through the mediating effect of food certification.Furthermore, ac-cording to the signaling theory, valid signal has three elements and two major characteristics.The three elements are signaler, re-ceiver and signal and two major characteristics are signal observability and signal cost.In this study, we also find that a valid sig-nal has applicability.Therefore, from the perspective of investing and constructing supply chain security management and based on signaling theory, this paper offers implications and methods for improving food quality in China.