Description And Operational Characteristics Of The Lvd Experiment.

M Aglietta,B Alpat,Ed Alyea,P Antonioli,G Badino,Y Ban,G Bari,M Basile,Vs Berezinsky,R Bertoni,A Bizzeti,A Bosco,G Bruni,Y Cao,Gc Romeo,C Castagnoli,A Castellina,K Chen,R Chen,A Chiavassa,Ja Chinellato,L Cifarelli,F Cindolo,G Conforto,S Cong,A Contin,Vl Dadykin,P Desiati,S Depasquale,A Desilva,M Deutsch,P Dominici,Lg Dossantos,Ri Enikeev,Fl Fabbri,W Fulgione,P Galeotti,P Ghia,P Giusti,R Granella,F Grianti,S Gu,G Guidi,Y Guo,Es Hafen,P Haridas,G Iacobucci,N Inoue,Ff Khalchukov,Ev Korolkova,Pv Kortchaguin,Vb Kortchaguin,Va Kudryavtsev,G Landi,K Lau,X Lin,L Lu,M Luvisetto,J Ma,Z Ma,G Maccarrone,As Malguin,R Mantovani,Z Mao,Ma Markov,T Massam,B Mayes,C Melagrana,Nm Silva,A Misaki,Gh Mo,B Monteleoni,C Morello,J Moromisato,R Nania,G Navarra,L Panaro,D Parks,Pg Pelfer,L Periale,A Pesci,P Picchi,P Pinna,L Pinsky,Ia Pless,M Pu,J Pyrlik,J Qin,Vg Ryasny,Og Ryazhskaya,O Saavedra,K Saitoh,D Sanders,S Santini,G Sartorelli,D Shen,N Taborgna,Vp Talochkin,H Tang,J Tang,W Tian,Gc Trinchero,A Turtelli,I Uman,P Vallania,S Vernetto,F Vetrano,C Vigorito,E Vongoeler,L Votano,T Wada,F Wang,H Wang,S Wang,R Weinstein,M Widgoff,L Xu,Z Xu,Vf Yakushev,I Yamamoto,Gt Zatsepin,X Zhou,Q Zhu,X Zhu,B Zhuang,A Zichichi
Abstract:We report on the operational experience of the LVD experiment. The detector is of modular design and we have experience of first operating with one tower and then operating with two towers. The third tower is under construction and the plan is to complete five LVD towers. We will report on the live time of the experiment and on the reliability of the various components. We will describe the various off-line quality monitoring of the data.
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