Power Index Of Pion And Kaon Spectrum In The Atmosphere Obtained With Lvd At Gran Sasso

M Aglietta,B Alpat,Ed Alyea,P Antonioli,G Badino,Y Ban,G Bari,M Basile,Vs Berezinsky,R Bertoni,A Bizzeti,A Bosco,G Bruni,Y Cao,Gc Romeo,C Castagnoli,A Castellina,K Chen,R Chen,A Chiavassa,Ja Chinellato,L Cifarelli,F Cindolo,G Conforto,S Cong,A Contin,Vl Dadykin,P Desiati,S Depasquale,A Desilva,M Deutsch,P Dominici,Lg Dossantos,Ri Enikeev,Fl Fabbri,W Fulgione,P Galeotti,P Ghia,P Giusti,R Granella,F Grianti,S Gu,G Guidi,Y Guo,Es Hafen,P Haridas,G Iacobucci,N Inoue,Ff Khalchukov,Ev Korolkova,Pv Kortchaguin,Vb Kortchaguin,Va Kudryavtsev,G Landi,K Lau,X Lin,L Lu,M Luvisetto,J Ma,Z Ma,G Maccarrone,As Malguin,R Mantovani,Z Mao,Ma Markov,T Massam,B Mayes,C Melagrana,Nm Silva,A Misaki,Gh Mo,B Monteleoni,C Morello,J Moromisato,R Nania,G Navarra,L Panaro,D Parks,Pg Pelfer,L Periale,A Pesci,P Picchi,P Pinna,L Pinsky,Ia Pless,M Pu,J Pyrlik,J Qiu,Vg Ryasny,Og Ryazhskaya,O Saavedra,K Saitoh,D Sanders,S Santini,G Sartorelli,D Shen,N Taborgna,Vp Talochkin,H Tang,J Tang,W Tian,Gc Trinchero,A Turtelli,I Uman,P Vallania,S Vernetto,F Vetrano,C Vigorito,E Vongoeler,L Votano,T Wada,F Wang,H Wang,S Wang,R Weinstein,M Widgoff,L Xu,Z Xu,Vf Yakushev,I Yamamoto,Gt Zatsepin,X Zhou,Q Zhu,X Zhu,B Zhuang,A Zichichi
Abstract:The ''depth - vertical muon intensity'' relation measured with the LVD in the Gran Sasso Laboratory is fitted by the calculated distributions to derive the power index of pion and kaon energy spectrum in the atmosphere. The simulation of the muon transport through the Gran Sasso rock is performed and the muon survival probabilities are used to calculate the muon intensities. The simulation procedure is described and the results of the analysis are presented.
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