Aspect Ratio Dependence of the Ultimate-State Transition in Turbulent Thermal Convection

Xiaozhou He,Eberhard Bodenschatz,Guenter Ahlers
Abstract:Iyer et al. (1) report heat (Nu) and momentum (Re) transport results for turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection (RBC) for a Prandtl number Pr = 1 from direct numerical simulation (DNS) for a cylindrical sample of aspect ratio (diameter D/height H ) Γ = 1 / 10 . The data show the classic scaling Nu = 0.0525 Ra 0.331 in the range 1 0 10 ≤ Ra ≤ 1 0 15 . The authors emphasize that their data do not reveal a transition Rayleigh number Ra * to the RBC ultimate state (2, 3), but neglect to point out that sidewall stabilization, and thus Ra * , is expected to increase with decreasing Γ. Here, we point out that experimental Ra * values do indeed show a strong Γ dependence with Ra * well above 1 0 15 for Γ = 0.1 . Fig. 1 shows the Ra dependence of Nu / Ra 0.331 for Γ = 0.50 and 1.00 (4⇓–6). The data are from experiments using compressed S F 6 gas with Pr ≃ 0.8 at Ra up to 1.1 × 1 0 15 . Each dataset reveals … [↵][1]2To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: hexiaozhou{at}, gahlers{at}, or eberhard.bodenschatz{at} [1]: #xref-corresp-1-1
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