The Second Trimester Screening For Fetal Chromosomal Aneuploidy And Open Neural Tube Defects

Jetan H. Badhiwala,Farshad Nassiri,Abhaya V. Kulkarni
Abstract:Objective To evaluate the efficiency of the second trimester screening for fetal chromosomal anomaly using maternal serum marker. Method A population-based screening for fetal chromosomal anomaly in the second trimester by maternal serum AFP, f-beta HCG was conducted in Jiangsu Province between July 2002 and November 2006. 95 communities were sampled, which covered whole Jiangsu province. The risk estimates for fetal chromosomal abnormalities based on maternal age, alpha-fetoprotein ( AFP) and human chorionic gonadotropin free beta subunit (f-beta HCG). The screen was considered to be positive when the result was equal to or greater than I : 270 for Down Syndrome or 1:400 for Edwards syndrome. If gestational age was confirmed by ultrasound scan genetic counseling and amniocentesis were offered. All babies were followed up until six month to four years old after their birth. Result During our program proceeding 26803 women of total 27313 women (98%) were screened, of whom 1244(5%) were found to be Down syndrome positive and 105 (0.4%) were Edwards syndrome positive. The final pregnant outcomes show that 20 cases present chromosomal abnormalities totally, of whom 9 cases suffered from Down syndrome, 5 cases Edwards syndrome and 6 cases other chromosomal abnormalities. In this study the detection rate of Down syndrome and Edwards syndrome is 56% and 80% by maternal serum marker respectively. Conclusion Under good quality control high prenatal detection rate of fetal chromosomal abnormalities can be reached with requirement for amniocentesis decreasing by means of the second trimester maternal serum maker.
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