Methylalkane Composition of Cultured Strains of Cyanophytae, Microcystis Sp.

Kazuo Fukushima,Tomoyuki Sasaki,Park Ho-Dong
Abstract:Lipids of some cyanophytae can be characterized by tbe occurrence of significant amounts of Crr--C2l alkanes with methy1 groups at a variety of positions iri the carbon chain (GELPI et al. 1970, SHIEA et al. 1990 and references cited therein). This fact has been noted in relation to tbe sources ofbiturnen and crude oi1s in Proterozoic to early Paleozoic sedimentary rocks. Extractable alkanes from those ancient sedimentary rocks, preceding the evolution and propagation of higher plants, are often rich in methylbranched alkanes (monoto trimethyl alkanes: here abbreviated as MMAs, DMAs and TMAs). The methyl-branched alkanes in those ancient sediments compose a suite of isomers ranging from C17 to Czs (HOERING 1980) or even up to C3o (FoWLER & DouGLAS 1987), presumably modified by the diagenetic thermal rearrangements (HOERING 1980, K!SSIN 1987). Meanwhile, investigations on lipids of the extant cyanobacteria and algal mats inhabited by cyanobacteria revealed that the isomeric compositions of C 17-Cz1 methylalkanes are variable, and many mat samples are dominated by a limited number of isomers (SHIEA et al. 1990, FUKUSHIMA et al. 1999, KóSTER et al. 1999). However, the variability in the metbylalkane composition has not yet been fully elucidated in relation to the genera, primarily due to scarcity of tbe analytical data of the pure-cultured strains (KósTER et al. 1999). Under these circumstances, this work aims to demonstrate the methylalkane compositions of a number of cultured and classified strains as a genus, Microcystis, and to assess them as potential molecular markers for taxonomic purposes. According to KoMAREK (1991), Microcystis found in Japan can be c1assified into six species. In this work, five of six species are analysed.
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