Numerical Modeling of Operation and Hydrologic Effects of Xinfengjiang Reservoir in Southern Chinas
Wu Y,J. Chen,B. Sivakumar
Abstract:A reservoir system is generally functioned for multiple purposes, which normally include water supply for irrigation, industrial and domestic use, hydropower generation, flood control, navigation, and recreation. Therefore, its operation can involve complicated hydrologic, environmental, and economic constraints with conflicting management objectives. In this study, a reservoir system, Xinfengjiang Reservoir, of the East River basin in southern China is investigated. The East River and its tributaries in southern China are regulated by three major reservoirs: Xinfengjiang, Fengshuba and Baipenzhu (see Figure 1). Among them, Xinfengjiang reservoir with a storage capacity of 14 billion m(3) is the biggest and controls nearly one-fourth of the drainage area above Boluo (Figure 1), which is the main flow gauging station near the river mouth of the East River basin. This study aims at understanding the operational mechanism of Xinfengjiang reservoir and the hydrologic changes caused. The inflow to the reservoir is simulated using the SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool), and the outflow from the reservoir is simulated by two methods. One is a built-in algorithm in the SWAT, controlling outflow with a target release, and the other is a scheme developed in this study. The new scheme is based on mainly the linear regression relation of the daily change in reservoir storage against reservoir storage on previous day and net reservoir inflow. The results reveal that the new scheme can indeed enhance the outflow simulation. However, it is also found that the operation of Xinfengjiang reservoir is dominated by the hydropower demand according to its outflow observations. Based on the analysis of the linear regression, we suggest that the available inputs (inflow and reservoir storage) may be sufficient to model the reservoir operation. Moreover, we can infer that the reservoir inflow has a larger influence on the reservoir operation in wet season than that in dry season, while reservoir storage has a larger influence on the reservoir operation in dry season than that in wet season. The magnitude of the effects of a given reservoir on outflow will depend on its storage capacity and operating rule. In order to investigate the hydrologic effects of Xinfengjiang reservoir, monthly flows at the outlet of Xinfengjiang catchment between no-reservoir simulation and observed reservoir outflow for the period of January 1965 to December 1974 are investigated. The reservoir operation reduces the river peak flow and seasonal fluctuations greatly. The average standard deviation and coefficient of variation of outflow reduce by about 55% and 48% respectively comparing with that of inflow. According to the relative deviation, the reservoir operation alters monthly flow at the outlet of Xinfengjiang catchment and at the Boluo gauging station by about 55.6% and 21.0% respectively. [GRAPHICS] .