The Effect of Perceived Value and Mobile Game Loyalty on Mobile Game’s In-app Purchase Intention

A. Agus,Luh Dyah Purnami
Abstract:Mobile game market is the fast-growing game market and accounted for more than a half of the global game market’s revenue. Because of the promising future many game developers develop monetization strategy to gain more profit from the mobile game market. Thus, by knowing what drivers that influence gamer’s purchase intention and loyalty expected to help game developer to expand their market share. Then, this study uses conclusive descriptive to gain insight by analyzing effect of perceived value toward game loyalty and in-app purchase intention. Moreover, this study also aims to investigate the effect of game loyalty toward user’s intention to make in-app purchase. This research used purposive sampling and involved 240 Mobile Legend gamers in Indonesia. Data is processed with SEM using LISREL software version 8.8. The result shows perceived playfulness, perceived connectedness, perceived good price, and perceived reward are significantly influence mobile game loyalty. While perceived connectedness and perceived good price significantly influence in-app purchase intention. In the other side, Mobile game loyalty also has significant influence on in-app purchase intention. In addition, the result also found that perceived connectedness and perceived reward significantly influence perceived good price.
Computer Science,Business
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