Gene-centric Intra- and Inter-Clade Recombination in a Context of Esche-richia Coli Subpopulations

Yu Kang,Xing Shi,Lina Yuan,Yanan Chu,Fei Chen,Zilong He,Zhancheng Gao,Xinmiao Jia,Qiang Lin,Qin Ma,Jian Wang,Rongrong Fu,Jiayan Wu,Jingfa Xiao,Songnian Hu,Jun Yu
Abstract:Recombination is one of the most important mechanisms of prokaryotic species evolution but its exact roles are still in debate. Here we try to infer genome-wide recombination events within a species uti-lizing a dataset of 104 complete genomes of Escherichia coli from diverse origins, among which 45 from world-wide animal-hosts are in-house sequenced using SMRT (single-molecular real time) technology.Two major clades are identified based on evidences of ecological and physiological characteristics, as well as distinct genomic features implying scarce inter-clade genetic exchange. By comparing the synteny of identical fragments genome-widely searched for each genome pair, we achieve a fine-scale map of re-combination within the population. The recombination is rather extensive within clade, which is able to break linkages between genes but does not interrupt core genome framework and primary metabolic port-folios possibly due to natural selection for physiological compatibility and ecological fitness. Meanwhile,the recombination between clades declines drastically as the phylogenetic distance increases, generally 10-fold reduced than those of the intra-clade, which establishes genetic barrier between clades. These empirical data of recombination suggest its critical role in the early stage of speciation, where recombina-tion rate differs according to phylogentic distance. The extensive intra-clade recombination coheres sister strains into a quasi-sexual group and optimizes genes or alleles to streamline physiological activities,whereas shapely declined inter-clade recombination split the population into clades adaptive to divergent ecological niches.Significance Statement Roles of recombination in species evolution have been debated for decades due to difficulties in inferring recombination events during the early stage of speciation, especially when recombination is always complicated by frequent gene transfer events of bacterial genomes. Based on 104 high-quality complete E. coli genomes, we infer gene-centric dynamics of recombination in the formation of two E. coli clades or subpopulations, and recombination is found to be rather intensive in a within-clade fashion, which forces them to be quasi-sexual. The recombination events can be mapped among individual genomes in the context of genes and their variations; decreased between-clade and increased intra-claderecombination engender a genetic barrier that further encourages clade-specific secondary metabolic portfolios for better environmental adaptation. Recombination is thus a major force that accelerates bacterial evolution to fit ecological diversity.
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