Dual Functional Heat Pump Type Solar Industrial Boiler Thermodynamic System and Method Thereof
Abstract:The present invention discloses a dual function heat pump type solar thermal system and method for industrial boilers, water supply pump softening tank connected to the inlet, a first outlet softened water tank, feed pump, high-pressure steam generator, a first ejector inlet, two injectors sequentially connected to the first inlet, a second outlet softened water tank, throttle valve, evaporator condensate, a first storage tank inlet, the first solenoid valve, solar collector, the second solenoid valve, solar evaporator inlet, a second inlet two injectors sequentially connected solar evaporator condensate outlet is connected via a third solenoid valve and a second storage tank inlet, a second inlet two and an outlet of the first ejector ejector They are connected sequentially. The present invention utilizes a thermal vapor recompression dual role, further reducing the demand for high temperature and high pressure steam boiler, thereby greatly increasing the thermal efficiency of the pump system, the low-grade heat and solar energy is converted into heat in the exhaust heat taste with heating, to achieve a "heat value."