Twuality:A New Direction and Recent Works
ZHENG Ruiling,JIN Xian'an,YAN Qi
Abstract:Twisted duality(briefly,twuality)was introduced by Ellis-Monaghan and Mof-fatt in 2012.It has received ever-increasing attention,and its applications span topological graph theory,knot theory,matroids/delta-matroids,and physics.In this article,we give an account of its origin and its developments.The article is organized as follows.We first give a brief introduction to knot theory,in particular,the celebrated Jones polynomial,then the Tutte polynomial of graphs,and their generalizations to virtual links and ribbon graphs,respectively.We recall the old relation in the late 1980s between the two polynomials,and explain how differ-ent researchers establish the new but different relations between two generalized polynomials in the new century,which,we think,motivate the introduction of partial duality in 2009 to unify the new but different relations.More general new concept twisted dual(briefly,twual)was further introduced by combining the old concept Petrie dual(briefly,Petrial).Finally we report some of our recent works on twuals of ribbon graphs and analogous concepts of delta-matroids.