Molecular states in $D_s^{(*)+}Ξ_c^{(',*)}$ systems
Nijiati Yalikun,Xiang-Kun Dong,Bing-Song Zou
Abstract:The possible hadronic molecules in $D_s^{(*)+}\Xi_c^{(',*)}$ systems with $J^P=1/2^-,3/2^-$ and $5/2^-$ are investigated with interactions described by light meson exchanges. By varying the cutoff in a phenomenologically reasonable range of $1\sim2.5$ GeV, we find ten near-threshold (bound or virtual) states in the single-channel case. After introducing the coupled-channel dynamics of $D_s^{+}\Xi_c$-$D_s^{+}\Xi_c^{'}$-$D_s^{*+}\Xi_c$-$D_s^{+}\Xi_c^{*}$-$D_s^{*+}\Xi_c^{'}$-$D_s^{*+}\Xi_c^{*}$ systems, these states, except those below the lowest channels in each $J^{P}$ sector, move into the complex energy plane and become resonances in the mass range of $4.43\sim4.76$ GeV. Their spin-parities and nearby thresholds are $1/2^-(D_s^{+}\Xi_c)$, $1/2^-(D_s^{+}\Xi_c^{'})$, $1/2^-(D_s^{*+}\Xi_c)$,$1/2^-(D_s^{*+}\Xi_c^{'})$, $1/2^-(D_s^{*+}\Xi_c^{*})$ , $3/2^-(D_s^{*+}\Xi_c)$, $3/2^-(D_s^{+}\Xi_c)$, $3/2^-(D_s^{*+}\Xi_c^{'})$, $3/2^-(D_s^{*+}\Xi_c^{*})$, and $5/2^-(D_s^{*+}\Xi_c^{*})$. The impacts of the $\delta(r)$-term in the one-boson-exchange model on these states are presented. Setting $\Lambda=1.5$ GeV as an illustrative value, it is found that $1/2^-(D_s^{+}\Xi_c)$ is a stable bound state (becoming unstable if turning on the coupling to lower channels), $1/2^-(D_s^{*+}\Xi_c)$ and $3/2^-(D_s^{*+}\Xi_c)$ are physical resonances in both cases of including or excluding the $\delta(r)$-term, while the other seven states are physical resonances or ``virtual-state-like" poles near thresholds, depending on including the $\delta(r)$-term or not. In addition, the partial decay widths of the physical resonances are provided. These double-charm hidden-strangeness pentaquark states, as the partners of experimentally observed $P_c$ and $P_{cs}$ states, can be searched for in the $D^{(*)}\Lambda_c$ final states in future.
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology,Nuclear Theory