Shoulder Muscle Architecture in the Echidna (Monotremata: Tachyglossus aculeatus) Indicates Conserved Functional Properties
Sophie Regnault,Philip Fahn-Lai,Rachel M. Norris,Stephanie E. Pierce
Journal of Mammalian Evolution
Abstract:Monotremes are a group of egg-laying mammals, possessing a mosaic of ancestral and derived anatomical features. Despite much interest in monotremes from phylogenetic, morphological, and ecological perspectives, they have been the subject of relatively few biomechanical studies. In this study, we examined shoulder and proximal forelimb muscle anatomy and architecture in the short-beaked echidna, <i>Tachyglossus aculeatus</i>, through contrast-enhanced computed tomography and gross dissection. Muscle architecture is a major determinant of muscle function and can indicate specialized muscle roles, such as the capacity for generating large forces (through large physiological cross-sectional area, PCSA) or working ranges (through long fascicle lengths). We hypothesized that some muscles would exhibit architectural specializations convergent with other fossorial and/or sprawling animals, and that other muscles would reflect the echidna's unusual anatomy and locomotor style. Instead, we found the shoulder and proximal forelimb muscles in echidna to have little variation in their architecture. The muscles generally had long fascicles and small-to-intermediate PCSAs, consistent with force production over a wide working range. Further, muscles did not show overt differences in architecture that, in therian mammals, have been linked to increased forelimb mobility and the transition from sprawling to parasagittal posture. Our measures of architectural disparity placed the echidna closer to the tegu lizard than other sprawling fossorial mammals (e.g., mole). The low architectural diversity found in the echidna's shoulder and proximal forelimb muscles is interpreted as a lack of functional specialization into distinct roles. We hope our study will contribute to greater understanding of monotreme anatomy and biomechanical function, and to the reconstruction of musculoskeletal evolution in mammals.