The impact of low‐energy, partially hydrolysed enteral formula on gastrointestinal symptoms and weight in children with neurological impairment: a multicentre retrospective study
Graeme O'Connor,Martha Van Der Linde,Zoltan Hartfiel Capriles
IF: 3.3
Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics
Abstract:A low‐energy, partially hydrolysed enteral formula may promote weight stabilisation and optimise feed tolerance in tube‐fed children with an NI. Dietitians should be knowledgeable about the availability of low‐energy, hydrolysed formulas for tube‐fed children who have gastrointestinal symptoms and require weight control. Background Neurological impairment (NI) relates to disorders of the central nervous system. The specific aetiology of NI varies but includes genetic, congenital abnormalities or brain injury. In children with severe NI, feeding impairments can lead to undernutrition, and some children require a feeding tube. Although tube feeding improves overall nutritional status, it has also been associated with excess body fat. Commercially available enteral formulas that are low in energy, hydrolysed and nutritionally adequate for protein and micronutrients are available to mitigate gastrointestinal symptoms and obesity. Methods This is a retrospective multicentre study of children who attended NI clinics between January 2022 and July 2023. Data were collected before and 1 month after receiving a low‐energy, partially hydrolysed enteral formula (0.6 kcal/mL) on demographic data (age, sex, ethnicity and NI diagnosis), anthropometric measurements (weight, height, weight‐for‐age Z‐score, height‐for‐age Z‐score, body mass index [BMI] Z‐score) and feed regimen (feed volume, total fluids and type of formula/supplements). Results Dietitians collected data on 28 children, the median age was 7 years (interquartile range [IQR] 3, 8). The most frequently recorded NI was cerebral palsy, in 13 of 28 children (48%). Before the formula switch, the most frequently reported gastrointestinal symptom was constipation, in 13 of 28 children. Within 1 month of switching to a low‐energy, hydrolysed formula, 10 of the 13 (77%) children reported an improvement in constipation. Before the formula switch, all 28 children were experiencing excessive weight gain. After the formula was switched to low‐energy, hydrolysed formula, dietitians reported that 20 of the 28 (76%) children's weight either stabilised or reduced after 1 month. There was no statistically significant difference in weight‐for‐age Z‐score or BMI Z‐scores postswitch of formula (p‐value 0.1 and 0.09, respectively). Fibre intake increased significantly from 3.3 to 8.1 g/day (p‐value
nutrition & dietetics