The Radiative Charmed Baryon Decay Ξ
Ming-Qiang Lu,M. Savage,James Walden
Abstract:V-spin symmetry (s ↔ d symmetry) forbids the radiative decay Ξ0∗ c2 → Ξc1γ in the SU(3) limit. The quark mass term breaks V-spin symmetry and the leading nonanalytic contribution to the radiative decay amplitude is computable in heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory. The radiative decay branching ratio is determined by the coupling constant g2 and at leading order in chiral perturbation theory is given by Br(Ξ0∗ c2 → Ξc1γ) = 1.0×10−3g2 2. Measurement of this branching fraction will determine |g2|. October, 1995 † Email address: ‡ Email address: § Email address: Recently CLEO reported the discovery of Ξ0∗ c2 (J π = 3 2 + , sextet) with a mass m(Ξ0∗ c2) = 2643± 2 MeV [1]. The dominant decay mode of Ξ0∗ c2 is to Ξc1 (Jπ = 1 2 + , anti-triplet) and a pion. Radiative decay Ξ0∗ c2 → Ξc1γ is forbidden in the SU(3) limit by V-spin symmetry (a symmetry of strong and electromagnetic interactions under the interchange of strange and down quarks), an SU(2) subgroup of flavor SU(3). We point out that the leading contribution to the radiative decay amplitude of Ξ0∗ c2 is nonanalytic in quark masses (∼ O(m 1/2 q )), finite and computable in heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory. This leading order calculation gives a radiative decay branching ratio Br(Ξ0∗ c2 → Ξc1γ) = 1.0 × 10−3g2 2, where g2 is the 6(∗)6(∗)π coupling in the heavy baryon chiral Lagrangian. Using the value of g2 in the large N limit of QCD (where N is the number of colors) yields a branching ratio of ∼ 3%. Although it may be difficult to observe a branching fraction of 10−2 at CLEO [2], the E781 experiment at Fermilab may be able to reach the 10−3 level [3]. This would be sufficient to determine |g2| to an accuracy of ∼ 30%. Previous work on radiative charmed baryon decays found that the decay amplitude of Ξ0∗ c2 → Ξc1γ is small [4]. However, measurement of this branching ratio will be one of the only ways to determine |g2|. Since g2 enters in many heavy baryon loop calculations, its determination is vital if we wish to go beyond tree level in the heavy baryon sector. Furthermore, it is important to test the large N and quark model predictions for axial coupling constants such as g2. Physics of hadrons containing a single heavy quark simplifies significantly in the limit where the mass of the heavy quark becomes infinitely greater than the scale of strong interactions [5]. In the heavy quark limit, heavy hadrons can be classified according to the spins of the light degrees of freedom, sl. The lowest lying charm baryons contain the sl = 0(J π = 1 2 + ) states which transform as 3 under flavor SU(3) (Λc , Ξ 0 c1 and Ξ + c1), and the sl = 1(J π = 2 + , 2 + ) states which transform as 6 under flavor SU(3) (Σ ++(∗) c , Σ +(∗) c , Σ 0(∗) c , Ξ +(∗) c2 , Ξ 0(∗) c2 and Ω 0(∗) c ) [6]. It is convenient to introduce two superfields Ti(v) (which transforms as 3 ) and Sij(v) (which transforms as 6 ), where v (the velocity of charmed baryons) is 1 conserved in the heavy quark limit. The two superfields are Ti(v) = 1 + v / 2 Bi , S μ (v) = 1 √ 3 (γμ + vμ)γ5 1 + v / 2 Bij + 1 + v / 2 B∗ij μ . (1) Here B1 = Ξ 0 c1 , B2 = −Ξc1 , B3 = Λc , (2) while B11 = Σ ++ c , B12 = 1 √ 2 Σc , B22 = Σ 0 c , B13 = 1 √ 2 Ξc2 , B23 = 1 √ 2 Ξc2 , B33 = Ω 0 c , (3) with the corresponding B (∗) ij fields for spin3 2 partner of 6 . Interactions of heavy hadrons with soft pions and photons (of energy ≪ Λχ ∼ 1 GeV) can be described by using both heavy quark symmetry and chiral symmetry. At lowest order in the heavy quark expansion and chiral expansion the heavy baryon chiral Lagrangian is given by [6] L = f 2 8 Tr(∂μΣ∂ μΣ†) + T̄ iv · DTi − S̄ ijiv · DS μ + ∆T̄ Ti + ig2ǫμνλρS̄ μ ijv (A)kS ρ,jk + g3(ǫijkT̄ (A)jl S kl μ + h. c. ) , (4) where ∆ is the mass difference between the 6 and 3 states, and Dμ is the chiral covariant derivative. The vector and axial vector chiral fields Vμ and Aμ are formed 2 from the pseudo-Goldstone boson fields Vμ = 1 2 (ξ∂μξ + ξ∂μξ †) , Aμ = i 2 (ξ∂μξ − ξ∂μξ) , (5) and ξ2 = Σ = exp (