A Kerr-microresonator optical clockwork
Tara E. Drake,Travis C. Briles,Daryl T. Spencer,Jordan R. Stone,David R. Carlson,Daniel D. Hickstein,Qing Li,Daron Westly,Kartik Srinivasan,Scott A. Diddams,Scott B. Papp
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevX.9.031023
Abstract:Kerr microresonators generate interesting and useful fundamental states of electromagnetic radiation through nonlinear interactions of continuous-wave (CW) laser light. Using photonic-integration techniques, functional devices with low noise, small size, low-power consumption, scalable fabrication, and heterogeneous combinations of photonics and electronics can be realized. Kerr solitons, which stably circulate in a Kerr microresonator, have emerged as a source of coherent, ultrafast pulse trains and ultra-broadband optical-frequency combs. Using the f-2f technique, Kerr combs support carrier-envelope-offset phase stabilization for optical synthesis and metrology. In this paper, we introduce a Kerr-microresonator optical clockwork based on optical-frequency division (OFD), which is a powerful technique to transfer the fractional-frequency stability of an optical clock to a lower frequency electronic clock signal. The clockwork presented here is based on a silicon-nitride (Si$_3$N$_4$) microresonator that supports an optical-frequency comb composed of soliton pulses at 1 THz repetition rate. By electro-optic phase modulation of the entire Si$_3$N$_4$ comb, we arbitrarily generate additional CW modes between the Si$_3$N$_4$ comb modes; operationally, this reduces the pulse train repetition frequency and can be used to implement OFD to the microwave domain. Our experiments characterize the residual frequency noise of this Kerr-microresonator clockwork to one part in $10^{17}$, which opens the possibility of using Kerr combs with high performance optical clocks. In addition, the photonic integration and 1 THz resolution of the Si$_3$N$_4$ frequency comb makes it appealing for broadband, low-resolution liquid-phase absorption spectroscopy, which we demonstrate with near infrared measurements of water, lipids, and organic solvents.