The Psychological Mechanism and Influencing Factors of Mortality Salience Effects
Fu Jinbin,Guo Yongyu
Abstract:Mortality salience effects,which are an important part of the terror management theory,refer to the universal phenomenon that people would defend their world outlook or strive for self-esteem after mortality salience.That is to say,when people are reminded of death,they will respond more positively toward those who uphold their values and more negatively to those who violate these values,or they will try to live up to the standards of values from which their self-esteem is derived.A lot of experiments,conducted in different cultures and countries,have provided support for mortality salience effects.As regards the psychological mechanism of mortality salience effects,the concept "the potential for death-related anxiety" is important.The potential for death-related anxiety,which is different from real anxiety,is the true meaning of "terror" in the terror management theory.According to researchers,there is a close relationship between the potential for death-related anxiety and one's world outlook or self-esteem,and mortality salience effects are evoked by the potential for death-related anxiety.Because the knowledge of mortality is considerd as a central construct in people's cognitive networks,the potential for death-related anxiety can be indicated by death-thought accessibility.Several different experiments show a convergence of the conditions that lead to high death-thought accessibility and those that lead to high world outlook defense.A direct way to assess the relationship between death-thought accessibility and world outlook defense,which is to assess both of them within the same participants,is problematic because the measurement of accessibility would bring death-related thoughts back to consciousness and bring about interference.In this case,some researchers use subliminal death-related stimuli to prove the crucial function of death-thought accessibility in mortality salience effects.The influencing factors of mortality salience effects can be classified by individual differences and situation priming.The individual differences in age,religious beliefs,personal needs for structure,self-control,and attachment styles play a moderating role in mortality salience effects.On the other hand,because many elements are included in one's world outlook,diverse components of world outlook defense may be caused by different kinds of situation priming.Meanwhile,when some value is primed,world outlook defense caused by mortality salience will even disappear.However,when being reminded of human's creatureliness,people will react with stronger world outlook defense.The cognitive architecture of mortality salience effects shows how individual differences and situation priming act on the psychological mechanism.When death-related thoughts are more accessible because of mortality salience,they do not have a direct effect on world outlook defense or self-esteem.The function of death-thought accessibility is influenced by individual differences and situation priming.Different individual differences and situation priming will lead to high accessibility of different world outlook components,and cause mortality salience effects as a result.Future researches should analyse why some stimuli unrelated to death can cause mortality salience effects,make further efforts to explain and validate the potential for death-related anxiety,and clarify the influence of self-esteem on mortality salience effects.